CHAPTER 4 - Of Home

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"Miss Althea, please erase my memories."

She just stood outside the door of her chamber, perplexed and stunned.

Nova mumbled, not looking at her sheer gown, "Might want to grab some clothes first."

He heard her gasp, as if it had just dawned on her. She went into her chamber and in a heartbeat came out with a long red robe tightly hanging on her body.

Nova straightened up. "So..."

But she cut in, "No, Your Majesty. That is inadvisable."

"I am not asking you... I am telling you. Do it." His words came out harsher than he had intended.

She gulped, "No. I can't."

"Why not?"

"It's... um..." she wrung her fingers, looking down at the ground, "I can sense which memories you are talking about. Your twin brother was a huge part of your life. If you tamper with any significant memory you had with him, it will further disorient everything. You'd lose a hold on your consciousness. I'd advise you to not even think about this..."

Nova roved a hand through his golden hair. "What would you advise then? What do I do? I can't go on like this, can I?"

Althea raised her hands and he stood still. Her focused eyes twinkled before she closed them. And like a swift spring breeze, Nova felt a few cobwebs in his head being dusted off with a broom. As if a days-old trashcan filled to the brim was suddenly being emptied and emitting a... fragrance. He blinked his eyes and in the moment realized just how impulsive he had been.

What was I thinking? Erase my memories? Knocking on a woman's door at midnight?

"What is it that you want? Right now?" Althea asked in her curative voice.

"I don't know."

"Ask yourself. What is the exact reason you've been feeling so?"

Nova looked at her open face, her calm composure and wondered how many times a Mind Healer asked this question to themselves before deciding to choose the path of the otherworldly sorcery, which he was now on the receiving end.

He gave in. "I belong nowhere, while I have been handed these four powers of all the Four Reams. I remember two years back when it all came easily to me. How to administer a courtroom, how to run the Realm. But now, it seems like a lifetime ago. Like this is not me."

Nova knew he was as vulnerable as he could get. How had it come to this?

"You were a natural and it is still there inside you. Same lifetime. Same you." Althea said, her voice soothing.

He stayed silent, clasping his hands behind his back, hiding the tremble.

Althea smiled, tilting her head, "Might I suggest something if His Majesty doesn't mind?"

He nodded.

"Go home," she whispered tenderly into the silence of the dark stony passage.

Nova sucked in a breath.

"It might help with what you are feeling about not... belonging." She added with a pause, "Instead of erasing the problem, how about you face it head on?"

His gaze dropped low, "I can't. It's... empty, my home."

She whispered after a beat, "I... I am sorry for your loss, Your Majesty."

For a moment, Nova only heard the leaves rustling outside the palace. Owls hooting amongst cedar trees. Soldiers snoring in the dorms around. His pulse ringing in his ears.

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