CHAPTER 13 - Of a Courtroom

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"No violence, Eleni," said Una, boots crossed over her table. "None at all, no matter what."

"Sarcasm is the key," Ralph seconded, grumbling. "Go for that snark you've developed. And... swear if needed, just this once."

"Or just don't go at all and let them keep howling," Arlette rolled her eyes.

Nova simply gave her a half-smile, and whispered softly, "Keep your head up at all times, alright?"

Eleni, digesting all the advices, turned towards Doran, who had a shadow over his face ever since the blasted Panel's blasted scroll had arrived on Una's desk. Without a word, he walked out of their secret hideout. He had no advise for her, never gave one unless she asked, not treating her like a novice.

She watched until the door shut after him and his pissed, perturbed and poignant face went out of her sight. He didn't like this anymore than she did. No one did.


The High Panel of the Four Realms, was said to be as ancient as the Throne itself. A Thirteenth House all on its own. Comprising of men and women, hand-selected by people of every House, they grew in numbers, their legacy carried on generation after generation. Each Realm, as she had read in the constitutional books Amelia had brought from the palace's library, had one Supreme Councilor aiding their monarch. Every decade when a new Conqueror was chosen, the respective Realm's Supreme Councilor consecutively ascended as the High Councilor of the Four Realms, thereby this time it was the Spring Councilor who had a sovereign over the people's grievances. But she was sick with old age and thereby the younger Autumn Councilor was about to greet her in all his glory.

The Council meetings were petitioned by commoners, the trials demanded by them. In such meetings, much to her dismay, the royals weren't allowed. If the discussion did not meet any solid conclusion, then and only then would the monarchy be included. And they were quite aware, that Eleni and the Eclipses had the support of her powerful royal friends, perhaps, she mused, that was exactly why the revolts were wreaking havoc more than ever.

And today there was about to assemble the most bizarre courtroom meeting in the history of the Four Realms. On the High King's direct orders, at least they weren't chained, but instead were in their finest dresses. Chins high, nerves low.

Six Eclipses, six unique combinations of elemental powers were to be presented to the Council.

Eleni had insisted on going alone, but the other comrades fortifying her, loyal to the Chief had volunteered too. Dylan and Celia seated on her either side, in the large carriage swiveling and jerking along the terrains of Virgo Island, were chattering like bees she'd wanted to swat while Eleni's nerves were a mass of labyrinthic tendrils knotted to a thousand coils. Then there was another soldier, Asher, the youngest of them all who seemed to be trembling. Another sturdy one seated by his side patted his back, Caden perhaps, if she remembered their names correctly.

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