Search for Kamino

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Naiomi's POV

"This is so strange, we have the coordinates right. But there's no planet" I say confused as we look at the screen. "Maybe Dex lied" I say.

"Dex has never lied to me before" Obi-wan tells me. As he looks at a head of a former Jedi master Just then Madame Jocasta joins us. Asking if we had called for assistance. "Yes, I did" he answers.

"He has a powerful face, doesn't he?" she asks him as she touches it. "He was one of the most brilliant Jedi I have had the privilege of knowing" she states.

"What happened to him?" I ask her curious.

"He quit" Obi-wan tells me. I never understood why. Only twenty Jedi have ever left the Order" he states.

"The Lost Twenty... and Count Dooku was the most recent and the most painful. No one likes to talk about it. His leaving was a great loss to the Order" Jocasta tells us.

"What happened?" I ask curious.

"Well, one might say, he was always a bit out of step with the decisions of the Council. Much like your old Master, Qui-Gon Jinn" she says looking at Obi-wan.

"Really?" we ask surprised.

"Oh, yes. They were alike in many ways. Very individual thinkers.Idealists" she tells us. "He was always striving to become a more powerful Jedi. He wanted to be the best. With a lightsaber, in the old style of fencing, he had no match. His knowledge of the Force was... unique. In the end, I think he left because he lost faith in the Republic. He believed that politics were corrupt, and he felt the Jedi betrayed themselves by serving the politicians. He always had very high expectations of government. He disappeared for nine or ten years, then he just showed up recently as the head of the separatist movement" she explains.

"Interesting" I say looking at the bust.

"I'm still not sure I completely understand" Obi-wan says.

"Well, I'm sure you both didn't call me over here for a history lesson" she says. "Are you having a problem, Master Kenobi?" she asks him. They come over to me.

"Yes, we're trying to find a planet system called Kamino. It doesn't seem to show upon any of the archive charts" Obi-wan tells her. Pointing to the screen.

"Kamino? It's not a system I'm familiar with. Let me see" she says. She leans forward and looks at the screen. "Are you sure you have the right co-ordinates?" she asks him. He nods his head pointing at the screen.

"According to my information, it should be in this quadrant somewhere. Just south of the Rishi Maze" he states. Jocaste taps the keyboard, but still nothing.

"No co-ordinates? It sounds like the kind of directions you'd get from a street tout... some old miner or Furbog trader" she states.

"All three actually" Obi-wan tells her and I suppress a giggle.

"Are you sure it exists?" she asks him.

"Absolutely" he tells her.

"Let me do a gravitational scan" she says. She does so as we watch her. "There are some inconsistencies here. Maybe the planet you're looking for was destroyed" she suggests.

"Wouldn't that be on record?" I ask her confused.

"It ought to be. Unless it was very recent" she tells us. "I hate to say it, but it looks like the system you're searching for doesn't exist" she states.

"That's impossible... perhaps the archives are incomplete" Obi-wan suggests.

"The archives are comprehensive and totally secure, my young Jedi. One thing you may be absolutely sure of - if an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist" she tells him. Before leaving to go help someone else.

"What now?" I ask Obi-wan.

"I think we should consult with Master Yoda" he states as he copies the file on screen. Into a holo-ball.

"He's teaching younglings now" I tell him. He nods his head. We left the archives to go see Master Yoda. Who was observing the younglings as they practice their lightsaber skills.

"Younglings - enough! A visitor we have. Welcome them" Yoda says as we entered the room. The younglings raise their helmets. "Master Obi-wan, Padawan Amidala meet the mighty bear clan" he tells us.

"A pleasure" I say bowing my head to the younglings.

"Welcome Master Obi-wan and Padawan Amidala" the younglings say.

"We are sorry to disturb you, Master" Obi-wan tells Yoda.

"What help to you, can I be?" Yoda asks.

"I'm looking for a planet described to us by an old friend of mine. I trust him. But the system doesn't show up on the archive maps" Obi-wan explains.

"An interesting puzzle. Gather round the map reader, younglings. Master Obi-Wan has lost a planet. Find it, we will try" Yoda says. Obi-wan places the ball down and the map appears.

"It should be here" I say pointing at the center of gravitates pull.

"She's right, but it isn't. Gravity is pulling all the stars in this area inward to this spot. There should be a star here... but there isn't" Obi-wan states.

"Most interesting. Gravity's silhouette remains, but the star and all its planets have disappeared. How can this be?" Yoda asks the children. They all think and a youngling raises his hand. Yoda nods to him.

"Master, because someone erased it from the archive memory" the youngling answers. Of course, that makes senses.

"That's right! Yes! That's what happened! Someone erased it" Yoda agrees.

"If the planet blew up, the gravity would go away" a female youngling adds.

"Yet it remains" I say with a smile.

"Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is" Yoda says smiling fondly at the younglings. "Uncluttered. To the centre of the pull of gravity go, and find your planet you will" he tells us. He dismisses the younglings as I retrieve the holo-ball.

"But Master Yoda who could have erased information from the archives? That's impossible, isn't it?" Obi-wan asks Yoda.

"Much harder to answer, that question is" Yoda tells him.

"I'll go get our fighters ready" I tell Obi-wan. He nods his head and I left them. I go to the hanger and get our ships ready. Along with two astro-mechs. Soon Obi-wan arrives and we leave for Kamino. "What do we do when we get there?" I ask him.

"If the planet is there, we'll land. Let me do the talking" he tells me. I agree and we connect to hyperspace rings. And jump into hyperspace.


Picture above of the younglings training and picture on the external link of Kamino.

Naiomi Training Trilogy: Star Wars FanficWhere stories live. Discover now