Returning to Naboo

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Naiomi's POV

"Yousa tinken yousa people ganna die?" I hear Jar Jar ask Sabe who is being queen again. I am hidden behind the door listening while everyone thinks I'm asleep. R3 beside me.

"I don't know" she replies.

"Gungans ganna get pasted too, eh?" he asks.

"I hope not" she tells him.

"Gungans do die'n without a fight.... wesa warriors. Wesa gotta grand army" Jar Jar tells her. "Dat why you no liken us mesa thinks" he adds.

"Your highness" Captain Panaka says entering the room with the senator. "Senator Palpatine has been selected to succeed Valurim as supreme chancellor" he announces.

"A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. I promise, Your Majesty, if I am elected, I will bring democracy back to the Republic. I will put an end to corruption. The Trade Fedreation will lose its influence over the bureaucrats, and our people will be freed" he assures her.

"Who else has been nominated?" Sabe asks him.

"Bail Antilles of Alderaan and Ainlee Teem of Malastare" Captain Panaka answers.

"I feel confident...our 'situation' will create a strong sympaphy vote for us... I will be Chancellor, I promise you" Senator Palpatine assures her.

" I fear by the time you have control of the bureaucrats, Senator, there will be nothing left of our cities, our people, our way of life" Sabe tells him.

"I understand your concern, Your Majesty; unfortunately, the Federation has possession of our planet. The law is in their favor" the senator reminds her.

"With the Senate in transition, there is nothing more I can do here...Senator, this is your arena. I feel I must return to mine. I have decided to go back to Naboo. My place is with my people" Sabe tells him. Padme decided to return? She didn't tell me.

"Go back!! But, Your Majesty, be realistic! You would be in danger. They will force you to sign the treaty" the senator reminds her.

"I will sign no treaty, Senator. My fate will be no different to that of our people" Sabe tells him and I agree with her. No doubt they'll try to leave me behind, but I won't let that happen. If my family die I'll die also with them on Naboo. "Captain ready my ship and have someone left here to guard Naiomi. Padme wishes for her to remain" she orders.

"Please your majesty stay here where it is safe" the senator pleads.

"No place is safe, if the Senate doesn't condemn this invasion. It is clear to me now that the Republic no longer functions as a democracy. If you win the election, Senator, I know you will do everything possible to stop the Federation. I pray you will bring sanity and compassion back to the Senate" Sabe tells him.

"We aren't going to be left behind R3" I tell my droid. Once I changed I snuck out of my room and am blocked by a Naboo guard. "How does that hand thing work?" I mumble to myself remembering my time with Obi-wan at the temple.


"Obi-wan Anakin said jedi's could control weaker minds, how does that work?" I ask as we walk through the jedi temple library. It's huge.

"It is a hard skill to master you'll learn it when you become a padawan learner" he tells me. "But initially you think of what you want the person to do then will them to do it. Waving your hand using the force, not to moving them. But to make them do as you will" he explains.

"Sounds hard" I whine and he chuckles.

"You'll master it one day" he assures me patting my head.

(End of flashback)

I think of the guard taking me to Padme's ship and wave my hand saying "you will take me to Queen Amidala's ship secretly".

"Naiomi, the queen was specific. You are to remain here" he tells me. I curse in my head and concentrate harder.

"You will sneak me into Queen Amidala's ship, now" I tell him.

"I will take you to queen Amidala's ship now" he says and starts to lead the way. We reach the ship and we sneak on. We hide in the droid hanger and I soon fall asleep against R3. Who goes into recharge mode.

(Throne room on the ship) no one's POV

Obi-wan and Qui-gon have joined Queen Amidala on her mission to return to Naboo. Anakin was also with them along with Jar Jar. But Naiomi was left on Coruscant with a Naboo guard for her safety. The Jedi council have decided to train Naiomi but Anakin's fate was to be decided later. "As soon as we land, the federation will capture you and force you to sign the treaty" Captain Panak tells the queen.

"I agree...I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish by this" Qui-gon states.

"I will take back what's ours" Queen Amidala states.

"There are only twelve of us, Your Highness....we have no army" the captain reminds her.

"I cannot fight a war for you, Your Highness, only protect you" Qui-gon adds.

"Jar Jar Binks" Queen Amidala says and he steps forward looking confused. "I need your help" she states and explains her plan. Just then the guard that was left to guard Naiomi enters the room with the co-pilot . "You are suppose to be on Coruscant watching Naiomi" Queen Amidala states standing up.

"I was your highness, the last thing I remember was being on Coruscant in front of her. Then I wake up here in the droid bay across from Naiomi who is sleeping against her asteroid droid. The co-pilot standing over us" he explains.

"Padme, go retrieve your sister captain deal with your soldier" Queen Amidala orders. Padme leaves with Obi-wan to go to the droid bay along with R2. There they see Naiomi sleeping against R3.

"Naiomi wake up" Padme says shaking her gently.

"Are we there yet?" Naiomi asks yawning as she rubs her eyes.

"Where?" Obi-wan asks her gently.

"Naboo, no way you were leaving me behind" she states.

"You are so grounded when this is over" Padme tells her. "Stay next to Anakin when the fight starts, that's an order" she says quietly.

"Ok and thanks Obi-wan" Naiomi says smiling at him as Padme leaves.

"For what?" he asks confused.

"If you didn't tell me about the hand thing, I would of never of got on the ship" she states.

"Please don't tell anyone I taught you that" he begs.

"I promise, is Ani here?" she asks.

"Yes, he is with Qui-gon" Obi-wan states.

"I'm still tired" Naiomi mumbles cuddling into her cloak closing her eyes. Obi-wan sighs picking her up and carrying her to her original room. He places her in bed and covers her in a blanket kissing her forehead. She smiles snuggling into her pillow and he smiles at her.

"Obi-wan come" Qui-gon says from the door way and Obi-wan follows him to the engine room. "How did she get here undetected?" he asks.

"Mind trick" Obi-wan says truthfully avoiding his master's eyes.

"We must not tell the council she miss used the force, but she did it with the best intentions. Watch over her until the fight, I'll watch over Anakin" Qui-gon tells him. They then go to their chambers to rest for the remainder of the journey.

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