Chapter 9: Taking The Offer

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As I continued towards Professor Williams office, I wondered why Lucy was so shocked. I mean I understand that this patient is one of our most dangerous patients in the hospital, but... No ones been killed by him. Plus, I'm sure the Professor has everything under control if he's offering the position to someone who's never worked in red zones. I walked to Professor Williams door and knocked.
I heard a sigh and then some movement. The door opened and he looked shocked to see me.
  "Y/N. You're early. Your shift doesn't start till 8am today." He said, inviting me in.
I sat down and so did the Professor.
  "I know. But I came to accept your offer." I said.
  "Oh ok. Are you sure, Y/N?" He asked, seemingly shocked.
  "Of course. I had talked to my parents about it and they didn't see why not. Well moreso my father didn't care. My mother was a bit worried on the other hand." I explained.
  "Ok. So, we can start today, after you get through all your other patients, if you'd like. Otherwise if you'd be willing to come in tomorrow at this time again, we can also start. I'll be going over the red zones and explaining them to you a bit before we start. I will also be sending you home with some files and documents about patient 1104XX. But if you'd like to meet him today, that's fully up to you." Professor Williams explained.
  "Sure. I can start today. And I'd love to meet him." I said, smiling softly.
  "Ok. For now, let me find all his files and documents. If you'd like to read through a few of them before your shift starts, go ahead." He said, standing up and walking over to a filing cabinet.
He searched for a few minutes before pulling out a few files/papers. He walked back over to me, handing them to me.
  "Now, I should probably get back to work. I'll see you later, Y/N." Professor Williams said.
I nodded and stood up.
  "Thank you, Professor." I said.
  "No thank you. I'm glad you took the position." He said.
I smiled and exited the room, heading towards my office.

Don/Professor Williams POV

I sighed with relief. I better have someone get a straight jacket on 1104XX before Y/N meets him. I don't know what his first reaction will be. I picked up my desk phone and dialed Cheif Henry.
  "Hello?" Cheif Henry said on the other line.
  "Hello, Henry. I need you to get a straight jacket on 1104XX as soon as you can. Preferably before lunch break is over. Ok?" I explained.
  "Of course sir. I'll have a few guards do that as soon as Doctor Ericsson gives him his medication." Cheif Henry said.
  "Good. And thank you." I said.
  "No problem, Professor." Cheif Henry said before hanging up.
I decided to get back to work.


I walked back to my office, carrying the files/documents of 1104XX. I was honestly excited to start working with him. I was curious about his behavior. I mean, how bad could he be? Sure he's aggressive and violent, but so are some yellow zones and sometimes even green zones. But I don't think anyone has been stabbed by a yellow/green zones patient. Plus who knows what else he's done. Everything that has happened between 1104XX and other doctors seems to be kept a secret. I wonder why?
  "So when do you start?" Lucy asked, startling me.
  "Gosh! Lucy! You scared me!" I said, stopping in front of my office door.
  "I know. But tell me! When are you going to work with that psycho?" Lucy asked.
  "Later today after I deal with the rest of my patient's. I think I'll mostly just be meeting him though, not really working with him." I explained.
  "Ah ok. You excited? Maybe you can give me some details about 1104XX since TK won't." Lucy said, smirking.
  "Maybe." I said, chuckling.
  "Anyways, I gotta go. I'll cya at lunch break?" She asked.
  "Indeed." I said.
  "Oki doki! Cya later Y/N!" She said, walking down the hall.
I chuckled and walked into my office. I set the files/documents on my desk and sat down. I opened his main file and looked through it. I looked at the first page. He was prone to escaping if unsupervised. He also suffered from Insomnia. And apparently when he first got here he had to where a straight jacket and be on much more medication to prevent self-injuries. I decided to look at his personal information, such as age, height, and etc. His height was 6'5. The thing that stumped me was the fact his age wasn't specified. It read 20-30 years.
  "Weird." I muttered.
It also didn't state his real name either. This dude just seemed to be some sort of mystery. I decided to just keep reading through until I had to go to my first patient of the day.

(I know it's been awhile... Again. But I got another chapter of this book out UwU I hope yall like it! Also consider following me and checking out my other books if ya haven't? TYSVM!)

(883 words)

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