Ch. 5: The Revelation

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(12 Hours Later - At the abandoned city - Dabi is walking towards the old hideout)

Dabi: (In his mind) I can't believe it. Everything is still here, but the city is in ruin. (Looks up) Those ships are sitting there, not attacking anything. I killed many of those creatures, yet the ships remain.

(He then thinks about things that were said to him)

Endeavor: You disgraced our family.

Endeavor: How about you go back to your league of villains!?

Endeavor: I'm sorry, Toya... But I will not let you risk my reputation with letting you join me in this struggle against the invaders. Please, leave.

Y/N: All I suggest is that you don't allow the hatred to consume you for too long. It will not end well for you.

Y/N: I don't know, but I do care about you. Why? Because Toga cares about you. You're all she has as her friend and ally at this time. She already lost Twice. Don't make her lose you as well.

Y/N: Of course I care about him too. He's my little brother. I want none of those creatures putting their hands on him, not even on Toga, and not even on Ochako. Especially, not even on you, Toya.

Dabi: Hmph. (In his mind) Y/N, I never knew you'd actually care for me, especially for someone like me who's pretty messed up, physically and psychologically. Sometimes I wonder if I could ever redeem myself in my father's eyes, or at least my brother's.

(Dabi then hears a faint moaning sound coming from where the hideout used to be. He hears it beneath the broken wood and moves it away. Upon realizing who the source of the sound is, he gasps)

Dabi: Shigi!?

Shigaraki: (Coughing up blood) Yes, it's me.... Dabi. (Dabi then notices a massive puncture wound through Shigaraki's abdomen)

Dabi: No. No, no, no, NO. This can't be happening. We need you. You're part of our League.

Shigaraki: I'm afraid.... I won't be around... much longer. Points at Kurogiri's dead body) Kurogiri... He tried.... We.... managed to kill many.... of those things.... shortly after..... you left. Sadly... We weren't able to stop them all. I... I felt a deep wound... in my body.

Dabi: No, listen to me. (In tears) You're going to be alright. I'll get you medical supplies. Please stay with me. You and Toga are the only people I have left in this world.

Shigaraki: Don't.... waste your time.... Dabi. The medical supplies... won't work anyway.

Dabi: But you can't die on me! Please, don't go! We need you!

Shigaraki: Dabi.... It's alright. All.... I wanna say... is..... Thank you.... We had a great run... I just wish.... We could all.... Get together.... Celebrate as villains... Never put up.... With society. I...

(This was when Shigaraki took his final breath before his death)

Dabi: (Grabs Shigaraki) Shigi?..... Shigi!?.... SHIGI!!!! (Realizing he's gone now)

(Dabi is now screaming and crying in sadness and grief)


(10 Hours passed - Re-Destro is walking toward the Academy)

(Aizawa is sitting down, then immediately spots Re-Destro walking toward them)

Aizawa: Hey, you! Why are you here!? I- (He sees Re-Destro shirtless and severely injured) What happened!?

Re-Destro: (Coughing) I... I managed to kill all those things. All For One.... He wasn't so lucky. We managed to kill hundreds of those monsters. But then they managed to overpower us, killing All For One and other members of the league of villains in the process. (Coughing) But in the end, we triumphed. Or more so, I triumphed.

Himiko Toga X Male Reader: An Unconditional LoveWhere stories live. Discover now