Ch. 11: The War

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(10 minutes passed - Inside Xena's ship - Preparation for the final attack begins. Xena is visibly angered she had lost her greatest and most loyal lieutenant: Garxu, leaving her, Zarlun, and her soldiers left)

Xena: I couldn't believe he actually failed to kill that human. I suppose its time I take matters into my own hands. We will begin the assault, now.

(Xena, Zarlun, and the rest of her army leave the ship and teleport down to Earth. Many of her soldiers scatter throughout the world, while thousands of them along with Zarlun and herself remain to battle you and the others)

Xena: I'll be sending our soldiers out to battle them first. What better way than to exhaust all of them, until they're too tired to resist against me? Even brighter is that human isn't around. While my best lieutenant failed to do his job, he did buy me time to continue the assault, and go after him myself now that he's unable to fight. (Grins) Killing him will be a piece of cake.

(Zarlun senses all of this, but it seems he isn't too pleased. He recalls his time seeing the visuals of humans on the planet, some of them showing parents crying and screaming for the deaths of their children, no younger than 3, having been killed from the invasion. He then ponders on the fact that this is the 3rd time he's seen a species with children when they invaded, while most others had no children among them. Thinking about the human children, he begins to feel pity and a sudden guilt for what is happening)

(Xena then senses Zarlun's troubled feelings about this species)

Xena: (Angered) Zarlun. I warn you. Any weakness or hesitation upon this species, and I'll kill you. Do you understand?

(Zarlun is silent, looking down and still thinking about the troubling situation. That's when Xena strikes him down with her staff, causing Zarlun to become surprised about her actions)

Xena: Don't. Ever. Ignore me. Again. (Looks at her soldiers) Begin the attack!

(The soldiers then charge toward the academy)

(At the academy)

Re-Destro: (Seeing with binoculars) They're beginning their move right now? This isn't good. Y/N hasn't fully recovered yet. He's still healing from that last attack.

Aizawa: Well that's just great. At this point, we might as well give up, considering that we lost our best helper and a few other powerful members of his crew.

(Re-Destro looks down and sees Riku heading towards the Infirmary)

Re-Destro: (Yelling) If you're going to get Y/N right away, forget it! He's still down!

Riku: I know. But I'm not going to see him. I'm going to get his brother, along with his girlfriend and the rest of my crew. (Runs to the Infirmary)

All Might: (Appears behind Aizawa) We'll have to do whatever it takes, to hold them off until Y/N has fully recovered. Like we planned, we have to separate the lieutenant and their queen from the soldiers. Riku already spoke to me 3 minutes ago. Bakugo has a plan: Our most powerful warriors to battle the queen and her last strongest fighter, while the students battle the soldiers.

Re-Destro: I'm surprised he came up with the idea. But at this rate, I don't think the idea will go so well. If only we can separate them.

(10 more minutes go by - You are nearly finished healing and you wake up, with Toga sleeping next to you. You see Deadeye laying down in bed, but you don't hear him breathing anymore and he looks very pale, and you inform Farseer of his passing)

Y/N: Farseer... Farseer. Wake up.

(Farseer wakes up and sees you pointing at Deadeye. She then realizes Deadeye succumbed to his fatal injury and has passed. She then begins to cry, knowing she had lost the one she loved)

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