Ch. 12: The End - Pt. 1: A Deathly Battle

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(In the area - All Might, his allies, and your crew are happy to see you on your feet)

Riku: I'm glad you could make it. (Looks at Zarlun) It also seems we have an interesting situation going on between him and his Queen.

Y/N: I know. I'm able to understand him perfectly. I can read his troubling thoughts. (Looks at Zarlun) I know you're not happy about this, and I know the Kings of your time did not commit to such horrid atrocities. But why? Why continue to allow this corruption to occur?

Zarlun: (Speaking verbally) As much as I wish this never happened, unfortunately an Arudex lieutenant or even those of high ranks must remain loyal to their Queen, regardless of what the problems are.

Y/N: But I can sense you've had enough of this nonsense.

Zarlun: Yes. But then again, I-

(While he was speaking, Xena walks up behind him and strikes him in his head with her staff, knocking him unconscious and unable to fight. Re-Destro looks on with confusion and then tells the queen of her actions)

Re-Destro: That was a pretty stupid thing to do, attacking one of your own who was still helping you in the battle, even when its clear he didn't like it.

Xena: (Telepathically) Don't you worry about him. I don't need him to take you all down. He will make a fine dish for my pet.

Y/N: (Looks at your allies and crew) All of you. I need you to head back to the students and help them finish off the Arudex right away. (Looks at Xena) I'll take care of this trash.

All Might: Very well. You heard the man, let's go!

(They all head out to the students, leaving only you, the Queen, and the unconscious Zarlun in the battlefield. Then at that moment, your battle with the Queen goes on)

(2 minutes later - The students are becoming visibly exhausted from the battle against more Arudex still coming from the remaining ships. Bakugo unleashes another soundwave attack to more charging Arudex, before he eventually tires out and falls to the ground)

Shoto: Bakugo! (Runs toward Bakugo) Are you alright!?

Bakugo: (Laughs) I'm fine, but I'm exhausted. That last attack nearly drained me out. I don't think I can keep this up for long, even though killing these bastards is quite fun.

Shoto: (In his mind) Damn, this isn't good. Everyone is getting tired. We can't keep this up for long.

(As more Arudex are surrounding the tiring students, All Might and the others step and save the students from their impending despair)

Izuku: All Might! Riku! You're all back!

All Might: (Smiles) Yes!

Ochako: Does that mean you and Y/N have beaten the Queen?

Re-Destro: No. He sent us to go and help you out. Now I'm glad we came, seeing that you're all getting worn out from all this.

Aizawa: Why don't you guys take a break? We'll start fending off the Arudex from now on.

Izuku: Very well.

(Toga then shuts off her invisibility and sits down, feeling exhausted from the attack. Izuku and the other students join in, resting before getting back on their feet. The faculty and your crew are now fighting and killing off the Arudex)

(Meanwhile - At the battlefield, you and the Queen are in battle and seem evenly matched at this point. She's surprised to see how you could hold your own against her)

Xena: (In her mind) How is this wretched human locking horns with me!? He couldn't even take down Garxu, yet here he is giving me a hard time, and he's able to put bruises on me.

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