Chapter 11 - Mama Organa

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Guards walked Kylo and I through the massive castle on Alderaan. I stared in awe, not hiding my appreciation. I've seen incredible places in my life, but this place was freaking otherworldly. It was massive, and sleek, and just beautiful.

We were brought into an elegant throne room, and to my surprise, there were no guards inside. I approached the woman on the throne. Once I was a couple meters away from the throne, I bowed deeply.

"Your highness," I said, before finally straightening and meeting her eyes. I had changed into a two piece suit with a skirt, all white and lacy.

The top was cropped like a bra, but there were flowy lace sleeves that hung off my arms—giving the appearance of being strapless—and crossed over my body, hanging down and covering most of my exposed stomach. The high rise skirt was pencil thin to the upper part of my thigh, and then the same lace flowed down, to the ground in the back, and just under my knees in the front. It was elegant, but also had a very... free spirit vibe to it. Over it I wore my heavy white cloak. It was winter here, after all. A smooth, brown belt hung loosely over my hips, my lightsaber attached.

Her eyes flashed to Kylo and then back to me. "I'm afraid I don't know what to call you."

I smiled. "Rjea is fine."

"No title?"

"Not yet, ma'am."

"You wish to negotiate." I smiled again. Kylo was tense. Leia was completely shut off, exposing nothing of her feelings at the moment.

"I wished to meet with you. Negotiation is a hoped for outcome, yes. But as we are in your throne room, my Lady, we are at your discretion."

She eyed us both for a while. I turned and looked at Kylo. I gave him a tiny smile and sent him a wave of confidence and love. His mask turned toward me, but I felt no rage come from him. Only curiosity. I sent another wave, this one was stronger.

He nodded, and reached up to remove his mask. It hissed, and he looked at it, then threw it down.

I wasn't watching Leia, but I felt her shock, her pain, her love. She was no longer hiding herself. She was suspicious and cautious, but hope was flooding through her.

"Ben," she whispered. I thought about sending him confidence again, but he had his own confidence now.

"Mother. I prefer Kylo, but yes." He thought about my mother calling me by my given name when she said goodbye this morning. "You may call me Ben."

I looked at Leia. She was confused, torn.

"I don't understand. What has changed?"

She focused on me, but Kylo answered. "I cannot ignore the light, any more than I can ignore the dark, Mother." I smiled. Those were his own words, and I felt pride wash over me.

After another long pause, she stood up and gracefully walked down the steps.

"I have prepared a banquet." She saw Kylo's discomfort. "It is only us, and your father."

I followed the queen after Kylo motioned me to do so. I reached out and pulled his mask to me, situating it under my arm.

Gods I love her.

He tensed, but I acted like I didn't hear anything. I had developed quite the skill after spending time with the Knights. As far as he knows, he's alone in his head. Which was true most of the time. Only the strongest still poked through, like this one. But I already knew we loved each other, saying or thinking the word made little difference to me.

Han Solo stood up when we entered. "Ben," he said, pain obvious in his voice.

"Hello Father," Kylo replied in a low, quiet voice. Han's eyes shot to me. Confusion rolled off of him, then pain, then complete understanding. Relatability. Love. He understood a man changing with love.

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