Chapter 1

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In space it was quiet, as it should be since....well it's space. You could see planets and stars, obviously, but there is one planet in particular that outshined most. Mostly because it exploded in a giant blue explosion. But a unique meteor flew off the planet, you could tell it flowed with power, and its trajectory is straight towards earth.

Meanwhile on earth in the arctic old country music flowed freely grom a radio. A man in blue jeans, convers, and a red Hawaiian shirt full of white flowers, sat lazily at his desk playing with a paddle ball. While another sat at the back type quickly into his computor.

The mans computer beeped alerting him something is happening, he immediately stopped what he was doing and started typing.

Man:"Hey, Jerry, you might wanna check this one out. Palomar just picked it up. Looks like some thype of UFO and it's heading this way."

Jerry:"*while sliding his chair to his partner.* How many times do I have to tell you? UFOs don't exist and we're never gonna see-"

Everything started beeping and Jerry hastily got up and checked it out while freaking out.

Man:"Wow, its energy signature us massive."

Jerry:"Holy cheez-its! What do we do?! No one ever told us what to do! The only reason I took this job is because you never have to do anything!!"

Man:"Jerry, stop it. Let me calculate its impact point."

They both looked at the computer once he did, and it locked on to the location.

Man:"Looks like.....Modesto, California."

Jerry then picked up the phone and made a call.

Jerry:"Supernova, this is red dwarf. We actually have one! Code Nimoy! I repeat, CODE NIMOY!!"

*Title screen*

At Modesto California, there in a singular home laid a brunette, her name is Susan. And she is happily sleeping in the comfort of her own bed, but three shadows loomed over her, and the sounds they made were freakishly monstrous.

The said sounds awoke her, she blinked the sleep from her and turned on her lam light. Once the turned to the area where the sounds were coming from and screamed.

There was another set of screams and it was three ladies all in green dresses, they are also the reason for the weird soumds which was coffee being slurped, an asthma pump, and a camera with flash. The blonde woth the camera took the picture of morning Susan.

Susan:"What are you guys doing here? It's 5:00 in the morning."

Lady1:"Hurry, turn on the tv! Turn it on now!"

Which Susan did, the screen showed the weather channel with the man doing his regular weather report.

Derek:".......and some early morning fog, givimg away to sunny skies. Seventy-five degrees. A perfect day to stop by the old golk art and craft show down at the fairgrounds, or a perfect day to marry Susan Murphy."

The girls huddled close to the tv with interest.

Derek:"*doing a heart with his hands*I love you baby."

Susan:"I love you too."

The 3 girls:"Awww!"

Derek:"And good morning Modesto!"

We're monsters, it's pretty cool.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora