Chapter 3

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(Y/N) POV-

Today was pretty interesting, the new monster recruit was like nothing he has seen before. While they were tall, not insectosaurus tall but still tall, and not only that but they were female. She was also beautiful as well, and that white hair magnified her beauty.

Had he had blood, which he does but he has to control it, which he usually has no need to unless he wanted to do a prank on the military men guarding the place. It was a technique the good doctor showed him, he still questions how he knows it but left it be. But anyways, if his blood could be pumped automatically then he was sure he would have a hard on. That is what he heard from the living human men around the area that if they saw a pretty girl their genitals would have aind of their own, which confused the undead monster to an extent.

But now back at our cells through the window it seems as though General Monger. Is giving a tour to Susan, that or he's putting her in her cell personally.

Susan POV-

The Cockroach scientist thingy? Guy? I don't know. But did he really think I had uranium on me? Like they would let me keep that.

Then on the the final cell......I hope, really I hope this is all just a bad dream and I would be on my bed. My "happy" thoughts are interrupted as we came to the more human looking one.

His room was dark almost pitch black were it not for that eerie dark green light shining in the room. And the lamp light that looked dimmed but still helped make everything visible in the room. The lamp was on the nightstand while there was a bed beside it and a large bookshelf on the other side of fhe room.

On the bed was the, monster, if you could call him that, he was hot, like model hot. While he did have scars littered all over his body he was still hot either way. He was on the bed reading a book, but he looked up, oh boy, his gaze was really doing something to me. His (E/C) eyes were somehow hypnotic.

He smirked but then looked right back down at his book, what was he thinking?


3rd POV-

Somewhere deep in space a large oddly shaped spaceship was anchored, no movement was made from it as it stood still. But deep inside the heart of the ship at the very top there was many mechanisms working and a pod dead center of the room.

Computer:"Begin reanimation sequence."

The pod slit apart awakening the living organism that rested from inside of it, it opened its 4 eyes tiredly.

???:"Who dares to wake me?"

Computer:"Quantonium has been located on a distant planet in the "Omega Quadrant"."

The computer then showed the video of the earlier meteorite that gave Susan her gifts.

???:"The "Omega Quadrant"? Lame."

Computer:"The trajectory of the Quantonium meteor has been traced to sector 72-4, the planet locally known as Earth."

???:"What a miserable looking mud ball."

Then the long arm of the alien typed something on the computer.

???:"Send a robot probe! Exptract the Quantonium woth extreme prejudice."

The alien made itself shown in all of their glory with unique looking clothing. It jumped down from his pod.

???:"I eant it all. Every last drop!"

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