Chapter 4

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A man, is anxiously running down a completely white hallway with many files and papers on his hands. Some of them flew but it must've not been important because he didn't bother picking them up he just kept running.

He made it to a scanner which scened his hands, feet, elbows, tongue, and butt. The secure door opened amd he rushed inside, inside the highly secured room are important people (don't know what they are called) arguing about what to do with the alien robot that is currently in their country.

Some were pretty good suggestions, others were down right stupid, like moving America into another planet, or giving the alien robot a green card.

President:"Hang it all! What's the point? It's a disaster."

The president said in greif as he got up from his seat and put his hand on a large red button. Fhe government officials yelled at him to not press it saying that it would launch all of their nuclear missiles.

President:"Well, then which button gives me a latte?"

Random:"That would be the other one, sir."

The president looked to the side and there is an exact red button, so he pressed that one instead and got his latte.

President:"What idiot designed this thing?"

Random:"You did, sir."

President:"Fair enough. Wilson, fire somebody!"

Wilson:"Yes, sir, Mr. President."

President:"Listen up. I'm not going to go down in history as the president who was in his office when the world came to an end,  so somebody think of something, and think of it fast!"

Takes a sip of his drink.

President:"That's a good cup of joe."

???:"Mr. President?"

Everyone looked up to see colonel Monger on the top of the stairs fixing his pants.

Monger:"Not only do I have an idea, but I have a plan!"

The launched himself down the stairs and opened a parachute and landed gently on the ground, making his entrance much more cooler.

Monger:"Now, conventional weapons have no effect on this thing, and we all know nukes ain't an option."

President:"Sure they are. I just....."

The president put his hand on the nuke button making everyone panic and yell no. Monger steps away from the button with the president while continuing to talk to him.

Monger:"I'm not gonna kid you, Mr. President. These are dark times. The odds are against us. We need a hail mary pass. We need raw power! We need......*whispers in his ear* .....monsters."

President:"Monsters! Of course! It's so simple! I....I'm not following you?"

Monger:"Over the last 50 years, I have captured monsters on the rampage, and locked them up in a secret prison facility. So secret that the mere mention of its name is a fedwral offence."

There was one guy that tried to say it's name but got tranquilized and taken away.

Starting the slides.

Monger:"Mr. President, say hellow to insectosaurus!"

Woman screaming and dropping plates.

Monger:"Miss Ronson, please. Nuclear radiation turned him from a small grub into a 350 foot tall monster that attacked Tokyo."

Next slide.

Monger:"Here we have the missing Link."

Ronson screaming and dropping plates again.

We're monsters, it's pretty cool.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora