Chapter 7

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Now looking through the screen of the aftermath of the monsters victory was the alien who started this whole thing.

Computer:"Retrieval has failed. Don't get upset. It happens to everyone."

This made him clench in anger.

Gallaxhar:"That lower life form thinks she can steal my Quantonium? Send another probe at once!"

Computer:"Quantonium cannot be retrieved via robot. Carbon-based life form, locally known as Susan, is now too strong."

Gallaxhar:"Oh, you think because you're all big and strong and you can destroy my robot probe that you're gonna send me runnin' and hidin'? My days of runnin' and hidin' are over. Computer, set a course to Earth. I will retrieve the Quantonium myself, even if I need to rip it out of her body one cell at a time."

During his whole villain monologue he was making coffee, and as soon as he finished he drank it with his ear. Only to immediately spit it out gripping his ear and tongue in pain.

Computer:"Careful, it's hot."

Meanwhile with the monsters.

Ginormica:"Three weeks ago, if you had asked me to defeat a giant robot, I'd have said, "No can do." But I did it! Me! I'm still buzzin'. Did you see how strong I was? Probably isn't a jar in this world I can't open."

Dr. Cockroach:"You were positively heroic, my dear. I especially loved how you saved those people on the bridge. It was a nice touch. Wasn't she amazin', Link? (Y/N)?"

(Y/N):"Indeed, it's hard for a lady to show impressive strength and beauty at the same time, but you pulled it off perfect."

Susan:"O-oh, wow, umm, th-thank you."

Susan blushes and pulled a loose strand of heir behind her ear.

Link:"Yeah, she was great. Really cool. Loved it."

Link did not look happy at all or sounded it either.

Dr. Cockroach:"Oh, poor Link. After all that tough talk, you were out-monstered by a girl. No wonder you're depressed."

Link:"Hey, I'm not depressed. I'm tired."

B.O.B.:"Why are you so tired? You didn't do anything."

(Y/N):"Bob show some subtlety."

Link:"Well, I haven't been sleeping well. Right? I got sleep apnea... apnea. Whatever. It's not fun."

Ginormica:"So Link's a little rusty... I mean, sleep deprived. You'll be back to your old self in no time. And so will I."

B.O.B. interrupted and accusingly pointed at Susan.

B.O.B.:"What happened to the "there isn't a jar in the world I can't open" stuff? Wait. Did you find a jar you couldn't open? Were pickles in it? Where's the giant jar of pickles?"

Dr.C held B.O.B.'s mouth back with both his hands.

Dr. Cockroach:"What my associate is trying to say is that we all think the new Susan is the "cat's me-ow." Hehe-heheh...I'm sorry."

(Y/N):"Indeed I believe this new you is a very much appreciated upgrade."

Ginormica:"Aw. Thanks, you guys. That is so sweet, but I have a normal life waitin' for me. You know?"

Link:"So, uh, tell me, exactly, how this normal life thing works with you being a giant. Ya know."

Ginormica:"I'm not gonna be a giant forever. Derek won't rest until we've found a cure for my... condition. We're a team."

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