After story Part 1

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After defeating Escargantua the monsters decided to live it up and celebrate their victory. After their victory against the alien invasion the world no longer treated them as abominations, instead they were world renowned celebrities, heroes of the world.

Walking down the dark streets nothing but the beautiful lights of the city of love, Susan and (Y/N) enjoyed their stroll in silence.

Susan:"So (Y/N). Um. I noticed you speak French."

Susan wanting to break the ice nervously started a conversation. (Y/N) smiled at the giantess.

(Y/N):"A long time ago I traveled the world; from the humid brazilian forest, to the dry desert lands in the Sahara, to the cold winter lands of Antarctica."

Susan:"Wow! I-is there a reason for you traveling for so long?"

(Y/N):"I...Made a lot of mistakes in my past, some that are unforgivable. I came to my senses, and feared what I did and what would be done to me. So I ran, from my home, my father....myself. So During my travels I learned many things."

Susan:"Oh..I-I don't want to sound too pushy -since our relationship is just now starting- so uhh, what did you do while being here?"

(Y/N):"Well not much since I had to stay hidden due to my....appearance. But there was a lot of excitment hidden in the shadows."

Susan:"Shadows? Like night clubs?"

(Y/N):"*Gives a small laugh* No no no. This was a time before such modern entertainment. Besides the excitement I was referring to was much less entertainment and more survival."


(Y/N):"*nods* Hmm, indeed. Monsters are all over the world Susan. When I traveled here, there were many monsters here. I tried for peace, but they felt threatened by my presence. I fought Gargoyles, vampires, phantoms, the undead from the catacombs. I left the area as soon as I could. Let it be known Paris is a romantic, but it does hold dangers."

Susan:"Hah, yeah. With what you said and the Giant slug, Paris isn't the safest place. Though I'm glad I get to spend this experience with you and not...Derek bleh."

(Y/N):"HA! Yeah, that guy was scum."

Susan:"Tell me about it."

They continued their small trek until they reached a small river. the water reflected the beauty of the stars in the night sky. The two newly couple sat down near the edge enjoying the cool evening.

(Y/N):"How about you? Anything interesting to note from you?"

Susan:"Oh! Me?! Hehe. No...I'm not nearly as interesting as you."

(Y/N):"Surely not. Tell me anything, if it's you I'm sure nothing could ever be boring."

Susan:"*Blushing* Well aren't you the charmer. Well where do I begin?! I used to be in a scout group called the Butterfly girls. I like to sing and roller skating, apparently I'm nearly fifty feet tall -just learned that today actually- I'm from Modesto, California, and I can decently play the piano and violin. Well...not in this size but you know what I mean."

(Y/N):"You're a scout, can play piano, and the violin, and sing. A woman of many talents. If you would let me I would love to hear your voice in a musical sense."

Susan:"W-well don't get your hopes up, it's nothing great."

(Y/N):"*Gives a small smile* I'm sure I would be flattered to hear a song from an angel."

Susan:"*Blushes heavily* G-geez you flirt. Though if it's for you I wouldn't mind."

(Y/N):"Speaking of, you said you came from california? Is the gold rush still popular?"

Susan couldn't help but smile and laugh aloud. Then she looked at you lovingly.

Susan:"No that's long over. Though with the crazy prices over there compared to the other states, it might as well be."

(Y/N):"Ahh. It's costly over there I'm assuming?"

Susan gave a "Yep" while popping the P.

Susan:"Speaking of where I'm from where were you born...Made....Created...I made this more weird than it needed to be didn't I?"

(Y/N):"It's fine you told me, so it would be fair if I gave you the same courtesy. I was created by my father in Naples, Italy so I consider that my birth place."

Susan:"so what's it like over there?"

(Y/N):"It's been so long it might not be the way I remember it. I hope to go there some day. And...Maybe pay my respects to my father. Pray for forgiveness."
Susan:"...Well, I'm sure he would not only forgive you, but he would be proud of the man you've become."

(Y/N) exhaled a small chuckle and smiled.

(Y/N):"Thank you Susan. You don't know how much that means to me."

Susan:"And, maybe I could go with you? Y'know if you have me?..."

(Y/N):"Of course. It could be another date. If you'll allow me to."

Susan:"I would love to. A gal like me and a hot guy like you, what a crazy power couple!"

(Y/N) looked at her in confusion.

(Y/N):"I don't feel warm?"

Susan laughed aloud and wiped a tear while she calmed down.

Susan:"Ohh boy. I'm going to teach a lot about modern slang."

(Y/N):"Hmm. If a gorgeous woman like you is teaching me, I would listen to every lesson."

Susan blushed again and moved a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

Susan:"Flirt. You sure you weren't a heartbreaker back then?"

(Y/N):"No woman would want a man with such ugly scars."

Susan:"You shouldn't put yourself down. You're a handsome man, could be a model in my opinion."

Now it was your turn to blush.

(Y/N):"You flatter me."

The two stayed sitting down enjoying each other's presence gazing at the night sky.

(Y/N):"While I would enjoy staying the whole night with you we should get back."

Susan:"Yeah. Wouldn't want Monger to send a dozen or so troops to "extract" us."

The two got up and headed back to wherever the hell they needed to go so they didn't cause any chaos back at base.

(A/N: So a slow start to the romance but it'll pick up. Sorry for the long wait. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Have a good day.

Also some references to "Wollstonecraft Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein" and to "I, am Frankenstein" I was also making (trying) a reference to a certain Frankenstein comic but I forgot the name I just remember Frankenstein and his monster in antarctica after the monster killed his wife after Frankenstein killed the monsters wife. And then Frankenstein died due to hypothermia (I think?) And the monster felt guilty and buried him in his home land.

Anyways if you guys know what I'm talking about please give me a name.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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