Chapter 5

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The "monsters" are now heading towards the helicarrier for their very first mission, that thay don't know much about. Each of them saying what they will do now that they might have a chance to be free.

Susan reminisced about her being in her fiance's arms, or in this case him being in hers. To which (Y/N) looked disappointed seeing how the only femalw monster in this worl is already spoken for. Oh well, no use in being sad, maybe if he waits a couple more decades there will be another, but then again that is just wishful thinking on his part.

Link wanted to go to coco beach and freak some people out, B.O.B. copoed Dr.C's idea of continuing his experiments.

Dr.C:"No no! That's me B.O.B."

BOB:"Then I'll travel the world, go to places that are far beyond the reach of human capacity, with my immortal body!"

(Y/N):"That's me BOB, and my body isn't really immortal but we can go with that......also do you know those big words?"

BOB:"*accidentally ignored (Y/N)*Then I'll be a really giant lady."

Dr.C:"That's Susan BOB."

BOB:"Fine. Then I'll go back to modesto and be with Derek."

Link:"That's still Susan BOB."

They entered the helicarrier and startwd to take flight.

BOB:"I think I, at least, deserve a chance to be with Derek!"

(Y/N):"I don't think you his type BOB, no offence."

The helicarrier took off, and right begind them was another chopper carrying a large light that made insectosaurus follow the said chopper.

The scene changed to where the military is evacuating the city, and just now the helicarrier that held the monsters. They flew fast the city and landed on a road near a plain field.

The helicarrier opened up and out came Monger in a jeep telling them to move out. And so they did.

Susan:"This is San Francisco! This isn't far from my home!"

Dr.C:"Ah! Feel the win on your antennae. Isn't this wonderful?"

(Y/N):"Indeed, how long has it been since I've felt the sun's warmth on my cold skin? Or seen its light and the blue sky? Or smelt fresh air? It feels good to be alive.....or undead in this case."

BOB:"I haven't been outside in 50 years. It's amazing out here!"

Link:"It's hotter than I remember. Has the earth gotten warmer? That'd be great to know. That would be a very convenient truth."

Unfortunatly their little time enjoying the out side world was cut short as the giant alien robot appeared meters before them.

Monger:"Whooiee! Now that's a robot!"

Susan:"It's huge."

(She will be saying those same words in the future am I right fellas? whoo!)

Monger:"*retreating back to the helicarrier* Try not to damage it too much. I might want to bring it back to the farm!"

Susan:"No, no, no, wait! You didn't say anything about it being huge!"

(Like I said earlier)

The helicarrier took off.

Susan:"Wait! No! Don't leave!"

The giant robot shined a bright blue light towards the monster, but it soon turned off.

BOB:"I think her sees us. *heads towards the robot to talk to it* Hello! Hi! How tou doing? Welcome! *funny hand movements starts now* We are here to destroy you!"

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