The Crumbling

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Hey, my name is Earth and this is the story after we imprisoned our friend. It has been seven long years that passed. I had been running The Scoop and it grew to a successful 50 restaurants. One in each state, but soon to branch out of the country. I still managed the Brooklyn location, which was opened first because that's where we stored the chest containing The Godkiller. I feared if we moved it, her power would be too strong and break open the chest unleashing pure apocalypse. So we enchanted it and kept it hidden in the basement. I was working my normal rounds in the front of the store. I wiped down the tables, restocked napkins, put some fresh popcorn to cook, and even counted the til. As I was walking to the door to flip the sign closed, a customer and old friend had opened the door. I saw him and a smile had formed. I said, "Welcome, Pennywise. How are you doing today?"
"Just the usuals. Mostly scaring the kids back in Maine. I missed you and wanted to catch up. Can I take a seat?"
I let him in and lock the door. Pulling a chair for him to sit and we gather at the table.
So, if your wondering. The history regarding Pennywise is that he was the man I saved when I plunged his heart into the ground. His heart was reborn in Maine as a villainous clown. Oh, and he has a kid, but he made me promise not to tell the kid that he is alive. He thinks his kid will hate that he is a demon that feeds on other kids. We got close over these seven years after The First Apocalypse. Also, apparently when I fragmented his heart, a human side was left behind and that was the janitor that tried to kill me seven years ago. We ended up feeding him to the chest tho. Oh and a baby was born from that feeding, so we have to keep watch on him every few years.
Pennywise says, "So I'm not only here to catch up. We have had a few issues. I sense something has woken up. Another demon has been unleashed. But it's old and has been here before. It's not at full power yet, but it's getting stronger."
I say, "Any chance that you know where it's coming from, so maybe we can check it out."
Pennywise pulls out a map and says, "In this small town outside of Los Angeles, a demon is residing in the ground. I think the town is called Sunnydale."
I say, "Ummm! This can't be good at all! That's the town we trapped The First Demon in. We trapped it in the ground."
"Yeah, well it's not there anymore. The Seal of Danzalathur has been opened. And he is only contained in the town now, but his story is almost complete. He wants the slayers to destroy the town."
I say, "We can check the news for Sunnydale and see how far this story is. My tv gets all channels."
I turn on the little tv hanging off the wall above the ice cream cooler. I see a group of slayers, Willow, and some humans looking over a giant crumbled pit.
I say, "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! The First is fucking free from the town. They destroyed the only thing imprisoning it. We need to go now. Let's get some tools."
I go down to the basement, which is also our armory. I pick up a few magic pallets. I also grab Deternal which is the sword that was once my blood. Moving on from the seven years ago, I limited myself to not over exert my magic. So we aren't teleporting, but driving in style. I get in the ice cream mobile and flip a switch. Suddenly, it transforms into a yellow mustang. I say, "First thing we gotta do is pick up my son from school and drop him off at his mothers house. It'll be quick, I swear."
Pennywise says, "That's fine by me. I'm not the one that swore away this evil once. It's vendetta isn't against me."
We drive to the school. My sweet seven-year-old son named Chance was waiting on the sidewalk. I pulled up and he got in back.
Chance said, "Daddy, I got an A+ on my math test. I'm gonna be smart like you and uncle Pennywise." He reaches over the seat and hugs me. My heart flutters. I love my son so much.
I say, "You make me proud, baby. I'm glad you are doing good in school. We gotta drop you off at Mommy's. Something came up with work that's why Uncle Pennywise is here. So buckle up." He buckled up and we began our drive. About five minutes pass, and I'm pulling the car into the driveway of a huge mansion. Sitting in her old wooden chair was Medusa. She was knitting a sweater with the two colors that she likes, green and purple.
I say, "What's with the sweater? Who are you knitting it for, babe?"
She kisses me as i approached her and she says, "It's a sweater for Tamo. I'm a little worried that he might start manifesting either Pennywise's powers or Hijae's powers. And this yarn was blessed by Clotho, so it should be able to dormant his powers."
I say, "Well that's great, but we have more pressing issues. Guess what ur daughters did?!"
She says, "No. Don't tell me. They destroyed Sunnydale? Fuck no! First, Emma's story ends this morning. And now Sunnydale's story ends. And the weird small things going on."
I say, "Wait, what do you mean? Emma's not Storybound? She is gonna start to look for Hijae. We can't have that."
Pennywise says, "Um. I'd be more concerned with these little things. They always add up to something bigger and badder."
Medusa says, "Well, last night Chance lost a tooth. So I went to put it in the small box and when I opened it all the teeth were black and sharp with a note carved into the top of the box, 'These teeth belong to me. Leave under the pillow and the children won't die -Tooth Fairy' So I think we might be targeted by some sort of demon that collects teeth."
Pennywise says, "That must be what I was sensing. A demon that is old. And has been scribed in stories, but missing for hundreds of years. What made her return? We need to set a trap."
6:45pm With Chance put to bed, we had set our trap into motion. We had Pennywise watching the bedroom, and a bag full of teeth underneath Chance's pillow. As soon as the clock struck 7pm, a fairy flies through the window. Pennywise uses the enchanted net and throws it over the fairy. He shouts, "Come here. I got it."
We run into the room. The fairy was about the height of a pencil and the thickness of a red bull can with black rings. Fishnet tights and a leather crop top shirt. The fairy begins to glow a pulsing red color and grows into our size.
She says, "For why have you captured me, but I'm a beacon of the hope you need."
I say, "That letter you left was threatening of my son. He is my hope. So I don't really care about your feelings. Now return all his teeth, or I will pluck your wings."
She says, "My wings can't be plucked. They were gifted to me from a lost angel. And are blessing me with these estranged powers."
She managed to turn the net into teeth. And it crumbled around her. She kicked Pennywise to the ground. Medusa looks her dead in the eyes and the tooth fairy begins to turn to stone, but a metallic reflection glazes her eyes and the stream hits back at Medusa. She became a statue. I'm the last one there. I reach around my back and grab Deternal. Aiming it at her and she twirls the room. I lose balance and slice my leg. As I lay on the floor, I watch The Tooth Fairy grab Chance and fly off.
"WILLOW!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs.
To Be Continued...

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