The Golden Way

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Hey, my name is Earth. Pennywise and I had just made our drive to Storybrooke, Maine. We sat in Granny’s Diner waiting for Emma Swan to show up. She was supposed to meet us about 15 minutes ago, but she was late. I say, “Maybe let's go look for her. It’s a relatively small town.”

As we step outside of the diner, I quickly notice Emma with Henry, Dennis, and the pastor from the fae house. Henry points at me and says, “He killed the gods. I felt their deaths when I was in the tree. Athena was the first to go, Then God and Goddess. And finished with the Big Three.”

I said, “We didn’t kill them. Just like we didn’t kill Father Seer. The Godkiller possessed my friend Hijae, and went on a murder spree. She was gonna kill Father Seer, until I returned his heart into the ground and he was reborn as Pennywise.”

The pastor says, “You are still bad people, you cursed my brother to be eternally young. So I just prayed to the Gods that remain and alerted them of your betrayal. Dennis, don’t trust them.”

The sky begins to open up with a golden bridge. Hundreds of gods come flying through towards us. Dennis begins to scream, as he clenches his pants pocket. A hot glow was burning the fabric. A coin drops to the ground and a leprechaun leaps from the glowing gold coin. Our problems just escalated. The leprechaun picks up his coin from the ground, and says, “I've been looking for this coin everywhere. This coin has been trusted to me and you all stole it.”

Dennis says, “How are you able to take the coin? Lilith made it seem that I had to be dead for it to be taken.”

The leprechaun says, “Lilith is correct. The owner has to give up its right to bear the coin. The coin is mine, but only because I guard it. You are the owner of the coin, since you obtained it. I think the coin should remain with you, since you are an oracle. Guard it from The King.”

The leprechaun handed the coin back to Dennis and vanished. I look up towards the sky and the gods are getting closer. Henry says, “You guys better hurry and escape. I’ll keep Johnny here. You will find the answers you need from Athena's temple.”

Emma says, “The temple was brought into hell though.”

Henry says, “Exactly. Now go.”

Emma, Dennis, Pennywise, and I take off towards the end of town. I say, “To arrive in hell, we need to form a portal. Mimic what I do, but using your powers.”

I create a dense circle of dirty rising and falling dirt to represent breathing. Emma stabilizes a light in the center of the circle. Pennywise applies a demon seal onto the ground, and finally Dennis uses The Coin to finish the spell and break a portal through reality from Storybrooke to Hell. We step foot into the circle.

Meanwhile: An order of various evil worshipers meet in Los Angeles. The BL4CK, The Sons of Lucifer, and The Firsts stand infront of an Altar with a picture of a demon-like dragon, a picture of the biblical stories of Lucifer, and a picture of The Godkiller. Lilith held onto a bag full of teeth and said, “We all want the best for my family. Soon we will reassemble my child.”

Suzie Lancaster steps up to Lilith and says, “I love you, mommy.”

Elsewhere(before we descend into hell): Lucifer begins to hear a whisper in his ear. He hears the words, “God and Goddess have died seven years ago.” He had never heard a prayer sent to him, so he was rather confused. Lucifer began to wonder if that meant his subjects would have a new leader, like how the prophecies depict. His thoughts are interrupted by Mazikeen walking in and informing him about his guests.

Back to us: The portal took us into a different part of hell. We are inside of a tunnel that is ribbed like we are walking inside the skeleton esophagus of a giant. As we near the end of the tunnel, we are met by Astra holding a flaming torch. She says, “We do believe that our help is much needed. You are the only one capable of opening the temple, again.”

I said, “How do you know we need the temple? How’d you know we were here?”

Astra says, “The temple has been screaming since January, but hell has been rumbling for the last seven years.”

Emma says, “We plan to figure out everything. Take us to the temple!”

Astra leads us through the halls of hell, when suddenly everything begins to rumble. Like an earthquake. I lose my balance and fall to the ground. Looking around, I see Emma underneath a fallen stalagmite. Dennis and Pennywise had tripped and fell into a hell room. I run towards the hell room door, but Astra says, “If you go in there, you can’t escape. They can only leave if they break their hell loop.”

I go over to Emma and grip the stalagmite, but it turns to ash immediately. Astra says, “That’s the first time a stalagmite dissolved. That must mean things are getting better.”

Emma makes it to her feet. We are led to Athena’s Temple. I hear a loud screaming. Emma and I pushed the doors open to see the whole room was changed to gold. A golden skunk surrounded by a black mist stopped screaming and ran out of the room fading into the air.

Emma says, “Guess we found the culprit for the screaming, but I doubt he was causing the earthquakes. Look!”

She points to the only object not made of gold and picks it up. It was a small black greek bible. The only Greek bible in existence. Emma says, “This book was previously owned by a Russian woman. She must have understood it.”

Emma showed me a passage about a girl that would possess the power of translation. Then a passage about the deceit of the son. A passage about a white angel with the power of purification. And the scariest passage about a child scorned by his grandparents. She dropped the book out of disgust and it turned to ash.

I say, “Can we please see Lucifer? We need his help.”

Astra takes us to Lucifer. He was sitting next to Mazikeen with a huge grin on his face. He gets up and hugs me tightly. Then he just glances briefly at Emma.

Lucifer says, “How can I help my favorite person?”

I say, “Ever since January, we have been coming in contact with demons. Why are you sending them after us, and after my son?”

Lucifer has a puzzled look, when he says, “We haven't sent any demons to the surface world in the last seven years. Demons can’t even leave hell anymore.”

I said, “We came across an evil demon that collects teeth, a demon that was good and gave us arrows to hunt Aphrodite, and a leprechaun that held a coin of reality warping power. Gods are hunting us down now, as well as an evil priest that was a little boy, when we first met.”

Lucifer says, “I wish I could help, but I’m unsure that we can protect you. These tremors are keeping us busy. I’ll let you take this necklace embedded with a pink crystal. Wear it at all costs.”

I put the necklace around my neck and gave Lucifer a big hug goodbye. Emma and I head into a door and out of hell. We travel out of hell using a golden elevator. Waiting there for us were the Greek, Roman, and many other gods. They ran towards us with all their force. Ares slammed his ax towards me, but it traveled through my body. Dionysis tried wrapping grape vines around me and Emma’s arms, but the vines went through us. Finally, Aphrodite created a flutter of hearts and threw them at us like ninja stars. My pink necklace glowed as the hearts were absorbed into it. I grab Emma’s hand, as a flash surrounds us. Opening my eyes, I see we aren’t near the gods. We appear to be in a black and white setting. Emma walks over to the newspaper stand and reads the date: August 3rd, 1962.”

We had traveled through time to the day before Marilyn Monroe died.

To be continued…

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