I Love You, Katherine

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This part of the story isn't about me or anything like that. It will be Jason telling his story leading up to all this.

Jason, that's what they call me. It started right after we all went our separate ways and got storybound. I ended up back in the forest, where my sweet Katherine died. I was raising Malia and Marlon in the cabin and everything was fine, til something latched back into my life. It was her. The woman of my dreams. I saw Katherine everywhere, but never saw her grab anything. She convinced me that she could be saved. I was skeptical of her at first. She said, "If you kill 66 people and save their blood for a special moon phase, you can bring me back to life." I didn't initially believe her, so I decided to call up our old friend Lucifer and ask him. So I killed Thalia Grace who ended up storybound as Alice Hardy. I used her blood to make a pentagram to contact Lucifer, since I can't step out of my story. I asked, "I've been seeing my dead wife, Katherine and she isn't completely dead. Like a ghost. Is that possible?"

Lucifer informed me, "Yes, that could be possible. She did technically die by unnatural causes because of the gods. And she isn't down here in hell. Has she asked for a sacrificial ritual or anything?"

I said, "Yes, indeed she has. She wants me to kill 66 people and save their blood for a rare lunar eclipse that hasn't happened for a very long time. It's a special blood moon."

Lucifer said, "Honestly, I can only tell you to be careful, if you choose to do it. The choice is yours man." And the call ended.

So after that day I killed that one person. Earth came and woke me up. We went to stop Aphrodite. And i went back and fucked Michelle. She got pregnant and I decided to leave her and return to the forest. Katherine started talking to me again, so I killed the 66 people to retrieve her. Then after that she told me that to make the blood and moon connect, I would need the grandchild to the moon. So I kidnapped Chance and that's where this story truly starts.

I'm yanking Chance's arm through the big forest known as Angeles National Forest in California. I make it to a stone staircase descending downwards and underneath the forest. The walls were hard dirt or like a natural concrete rock. The ceiling was being held up by White Oak beams. Chance tries pulling away, but I clench my first and punch him in his eye. He stops pulling and we continue walking down the narrow corridor to a closed outlet. The wall was blocking our path forwards, but I realized this must be where the spell needs to happen. I looked up and it was a small circle window letting the eclipse light into the tunnel. I draw a pentagram using the blood of 66 sacrifices and put Chance in the middle. A force field wraps itself around the pentagram trapping him inside and the spell begins to start. I didn't have to chant or use any magic because the moon was doing everything. Suddenly, I see Chance begin to shift or his lizard form being ripped forth from his body. The lizard is pulled through the pentagram and the blood vanishes. The spell is complete. The wall at the end begins to breathe and a form steps out. It wasn't Katherine, but Hijae, The Godkiller.

As I look at this beautiful friend of mine, I realize her skin isn't black anymore. It's almost as pure as snow. She had a glimmer in her eye. I'm laying on my ass scared, but when she holds out her hand, I feel calm. Grabbing at her hand, I pull myself up. I hug her and say, "Why are you here? Where is Katherine?"

Just then, Earth rushes into the tunnel, with his sword drawn pointing at me and Hijae. Chance gets behind his father and says, "He kidnapped me, daddy. He put me into a pentagram and tried sacrificing me to her. He hit me"

Earth knocks me over with his sword blade. I fell to the ground. Looking at my friend with the blade pointed at my eye, I realized what I had done and regret over took my emotions. I began to sob. Hijae grabbed Earth's blade and her powers washed over him. He crashed to his knees and began to hold me and tell me, "It's okay. We all make mistakes. What happened?"

I said, "It started when I was Storybound. I began to see Katherine. She told me to kill 66 people and kidnap your son and sacrifice him on this specific blood moon eclipse. When the spell finished, she wasn't here. Hijae came forth from the dirt."

Earth said, "How is it even possible for Hijae to be here? She isn't possessed anymore and seems more powerful than ever before."

Hijae gets on the ground next to us and says, "You locked me and the demonic power that overtook me into that enchanted box. A woman found and opened the box releasing the demonic power and me, but we weren't together anymore. The power flew into this beast's head and I began searching for you guys. I found Jason immediately because behind this wall is a portal to their world, but no one can enter. I believe the blood and his lizard form was sent to the woman and beast. Also that wasn't Katherine that you were seeing, but it is still possible to save her. You were seeing The First."

Earth says, "I thought we trapped him in that pit. How is he here?"

I said, "It must have released him, when Sunnydale was destroyed. Let's get our friends back together."

Meanwhile, The demonic beast breathes in the smell of fresh air. Lilith grabs the blood that appeared in the golden goblet and pours it on the beast. The blood was infused with Reptilian DNA and caused the beast to grow a body. Suddenly, cupid's arrows flew out of our mansion and into the Beast forming claws as sharp as daggers. All the body parts that are on Earth and uncovered are being called into the beast as it begins to take its true shape.

To be Continued...

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