The Tooth Fairy

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Sunnydale, California Willow was standing over the pit with all the knowledge wrapping around her brain again. What had her and her friends done? They had released The First. And she had no clue how to get back to where ever everyone was because the geographical locations had shifted within those seven years. Her and her friends were making their way east to New York, when she begin to hear an echo. Nobody else had heard it except her. The echo was, "WILLOW!" Like a high pitched scream. With that scream, she had felt a small amount of magic and she teleported to Brooklynn. Right into the room, where we are lain down. Willow rushes to me and says, "I remember all of it. Are you okay? What happened to everyone?"
I say, "The Tooth Fairy is real and she is a demon. She threatened my son, so we set a trap for her. The trap backfired and so Pennywise is knocked out. Medusa is a stone statue. Oh, and I sliced my leg. It's not too deep. But it hurts like a fucker. So you have any of that strong magic to help our problems."
Willow looks at me and sincerely says, "At this moment in time, I am running low on any magic. My old magic was gone, when I was in my Storybound. So it's slowly building. Instead, let's try pulling magic from the earth to heal you. Lay completely down. Palms face up. And focus on the earth."
I lay down. Relax. Focus on the air around me. I begin to pull from the earth. The green energy wraps around my body and runs into the cut. It begins to heal my leg. As soon as the energy disperses, I stand up. My leg was now fine. I halt my sword against my back.
I say, "Let's wait for Pennywise to wake up, but what we doing about Medusa."
Willow says, "The sun should heal her from her statue form. So we can just move it in the sunlight and call in a few hours."
I say, "Okay, that works for me. Now we must find Chance and The Tooth Fairy."
Willow, Pennywise, and I get into the car a few minutes later. We are driving to The Park because that's where the most kids will be. Willow says, "Look! It's a winged fairy. That must be the Tooth Fairy."
I glance out the window and say, "Yup. That's her standing atop the playground. And that's my son next to her. He looks drowned of his energy and weak. Why are those kids surrounding her and bowing?"
Pennywise says, "Well she must have an angelic glow that convinces the kids that she is good, but she is nothing more than a broken bitch. We need to stop her!"
Willow says, "If we get close, those kids will rip us apart. And we don't hurt children. They are innocent."
I say, "We won't be hurting the children, if we teleport them elsewhere. Pennywise can deceive people's minds with his power. I can blister the heat around them and melt the playground. Willow will need to get my son away from the fairy."
So Pennywise begins to do that cool magic stuff. And he scared the children away. It was us three and The Tooth Fairy with my son by her side. I stretch my hands out and focus my energy through my hands while thinking about the sun. A huge blast of energy erupts towards the playground. The playset melts. And The Tooth Fairy held onto Chance'a hand as she flutters to the ground. Willow walks towards them. As she gets close to The Tooth Fairy, her hair begins to turn white. Her eyes go white and she glows. She grabs Chance and walks back to us. The Tooth Fairy stands there with a look of defeat on her face, but a shadow forms around her and she almost vanished. But a green energy wraps around The Tooth Fairy and grabs her. Pulling her towards us. I look down and this energy was coming from my son's hand. He morphs into a giant lizard and eats The Tooth Fairy. Morphing back into a human form. We had defeated her, or my son defeated her. He burbs and says, "Sorry daddy. I don't mean to hurt the lady. My gut told me to do it."
I say, "Baby, you didn't hurt a lady. You took down a demon. You are a hero like me. And always listen to your gut!"
Bzzzzzz! Bzzzzzz!
The phone begins to ring in my pocket. I pick up the phone and put it to my ear. I hear Medusa. She says, "Is everything okay? Did you find Chance and stop The Winged Demon?"
I say, "Yes, baby. I stopped her. But the kids might remember her. She had over 20 kids under a trance at the park. We need to bring the team back together!"
She says, "Is it bad? Please tell me that you got a hold of the bag of teeth. Because what if she still has power If it's intact."
I say, "We didn't find the bag. We don't even know where her lair was at. I fear that it's gonna be worse."
                          To Be Continued...

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