The Mckacie Family

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To think my life could have been more perfect, but it seems so perfect already. I have my best friend Vincent McKenzie, My dad Pennington McKacie, and my girlfriend Susan Lancaster. We all  in this huge mansion together and it's a wonderful life. That's what I think every morning, until it happens. I have seen things that aren't possible. Every night, I'm running around the house and being chased by something different each time. Last night, this black shadow was following me and shifting into various people. It started out as Susan, then changed to Vincent, and lastly it became my dad as it plunged its long talon-like claws into my chest. These talons scratched my heart to the point where I am lying on the floor dying. I see people standing over me as they cry and it's like I'm dying. The last thing I see is a pastor in a brown trench coat standing above me holding something glowing white and boom. I wake back up in my bed to start it all over. Today, it's gonna be different. We are gonna change it and try to live past the day. My name is Dennis McKacie and this will be the story of how we cheated death.
Tuesday 8:04am To begin the day, my eyes flurried open letting in the sunlight. Glancing around the room to find Susan standing at the foot of the bed. Her beautiful, white, smooth legs made those black-and-white striped panties look sexy. I get out of bed and plant a kiss on my girlfriend's lips before heading into the bathroom to piss and shower. The random black stain on the shower tile was growing from the previous days. It didn't seem to be moldy. Touching the spot, it had the essence of being empty. Almost like nothing was there, but something is there and it's spreading.
8:47am Stepping out of the bathroom and heading down the stairs towards the kitchen, I bumped into my cousin, Vincent. He was holding a package. Vincent said, "I can't get this fucking box open. I tried scissors, a knife, and I'm gonna go try a blow dryer to melt the tape. I need to know what he sent us today."
I said, "Who sent it? Lemme try opening it." Vincent hands me the box and I manage to rip the tape off, opening the box, and revealing a single coin. Not sure if I can describe this coin. Looked to be from Ancient Greek times. It had an eye on one side and Athens on the other side. A golden brown color and heavy. Vincent tried taking the coin, but he pulled his hand back like something was wrong. I think he flinched.
Vincent said, "Ow! Can I, please, have the coin? It looks interesting and something valuable."
I said, "Sure. It's not mine and I could care less. Bye, cuz." Slapping the coin into Vincent's hand, as I turn the corner. Making waffles was my dad in the kitchen. I instinctively noticed a scratch on his face. He had that scratch from last night's death. The shadow scratched him in that spot. I rub my finger across the wound and it causes him to flinch and cough. I said, "Sorry, dad. You good?"
He said, "Yeah. It just stings a little. I don't even remember why I have this scratch...cou!" He coughed again. Was he sick? I pat my dad's back to help aid. He catches his breath. Just then Susan walks into the kitchen. She looked confused and lost. I saw her eyes, they were glazed over with a glowing black. She came rushing at me holding a knife. I ducked down and she went flying through the window behind me. The glass didn't break and I didn't see her on the other side. She went through the window, like it was a portal. It absorbed her. That's weird. I've always wondered why we never tried leaving or thought of going. Today was the first day that someone had left and gone somewhere. I tried sticking my hand through the window, but it was solid glass. I tried punching it, but wouldn't crack. That's weird. I asked my dad, "How did Susan go through the glass? Why didn't it shatter?"
He said, "What? Who's Susan? What glass didn't shatter?"
I said, "Susan, my girlfriend of...Not sure how long. I don't remember. Who is Susan?"
He said, "You haven't ever had a girlfriend and you don't know anyone named Susan. It's always been Vincent and me that lived here."
I'm confused now, so I go looking for answers. I walk around the house, glancing at the picture frames. She was missing in every picture. Where was Susan? I go to my bedroom. Her panties weren't in the clothes hamper either. Looking at the wall. I notice the wallpaper peeling. I pull on it, revealing an upside down pentagram. That's strange. Vincent comes barging into my room holding the coin. But it looked different. It was transparent. He handed me the coin and it turned faintly gold again, but still slightly transparent. The coin is glowing gold and clear like a heartbeat. It was matching my heartbeat. I think this coin and I are linked. I rub my fingertip across the word Delphi. And see a vision of this woman. Big, broad shoulders. Long black hair. An hourglass body shape. And she looked pissed. She saw me through this vision and lunged at me, but I dropped the coin because it began to heat up and burned my hand, leaving a mark shaped like the imprinted eye. The coin starts to roll around the room, and under the bed. I lift the bed to find the coin sitting on a small wooden door. I lift the handle and reach my hand inside. I found a passport, a drivers license, three credit cards, and finally two death certificates. The credit cards were addressed to Suzie Lancaster. Who is that? Perhaps Suzie is Susan. The license was addressed to a Vinny McKenzie. Is Vinny actually Vincent? One of the death certificates was addressed to Pennington McKacie, while the other one was addressed to Pennywise Deadlights. I touch the first death certificate and see my dad being held by a black shadow and a superhero crushing his heart into the ground. Then that vision ended. Touching the second death certificate, I see my dad, but much older. He was running for his life, as a dark beast grabs hold of him and sucks his life away. Then in that vision, a baby is forced through a box and appears. I drop the certificate and the vision ends. Standing in front of me was Vincent. He looked pissed and had the raging black eyes. The same ones that Susan had. He lunges at me, but I duck and grab the coin that was turning golden again. Vincent hits into the pentagram. Some sort of instinct told me to hold my hand out. So lifting the coin, I held my hand out as black claws emerged from the pentagram clawing and grabbing at Vincent. Every scratch caused a stream of fire to burn him. His blood was turning to fire, as the shadow pulled him into the pentagram and POOF! Vincent and the pentagram were gone. I go running back into the kitchen to see my dad being held by something. A clown, skin as white as snow and red hair, held my dad. A demented clown clenching my dad close.
My dad, Pennington said, "Run! Son this is a beast of pure evil." The clown opened its mouth wide and consumed my dad. It began to chase me. Running towards the door, which I never attempted to open with the previous days and monsters. I reach for the door with my hand that's not holding the coin and pull. The door opens and I see snow, ice, and huge columns of rock. The beast was hovering over me as I looked out at this new land. It pushed me over and I fell out of the house onto the snowy rock. I held out my coin and said, "Give me papa back!" The coin glowed briefly and this beast reseeded and changed to my papa, Pennington, but he was older. He looked like the version running in the second vision. I hugged him, but then we were interrupted by a British man with a suit on. He had black hair and a devilish smile.
The man said, "Welcome to Hell, glad to see you escaped your Hell loop, but not by the normal laws. How'd you manage to use the door and not ascend to heaven?"
I said, "What do you mean by Hell? That was our mansion that we lived in."
He shakes his head no and says, "Sweet boy, remember the last clear memory. You were down here with a man and a woman looking for me. The earthquake knocked you into someone's Hell Loop. How'd you manage to escape?"
I think for a moment and all the memories come back. Including the fact, we were sharing a house with the two people that tried murdering me, Vinny and Suzie. This British man then said, "Welcome to Hell. You guys and two others escaped this room, which means the last room was destroyed and soon Hell will fall. We have been having earthquakes for a long time, but when the Beast was assembled, the earthquakes got worse. Then came the Influencer. She imprisoned the rest of us down here by destroying the doorway or saying it's destroyed. Speaking of which. You need earplugs."
I said, "Where did Suzie and Vinny go? They vanished inside the Hell loop by some kind of black demon that controlled them. And is that demon this so-called Beast? Why do I need earplugs?"
Lucifer says, "Suzie and Vinny were called forward by something. I believe The Beast is meant to marry Suzie. The demon wasn't of anyone's making besides yours using the eye. You need earplugs to hide the voices that The Influencer carries through her mouth."
Pennington said, "I'm starting to remember things. Earth and I were on a mission hunting down demonic relics and their guardians. We came here looking for answers from you. We need to get to the surface and save everyone. Is Earth waiting for our help?"
Lucifer says, "Unfortunately, The Influencer and The Beast were able to kill Earth and all of them. The Influencer trapped them as The Beast killed them. The Influencer has been looking for an item that was in a prophecy that her grandmother and mother scribed together. That eye or as you call it The Coin is a very powerful relic that only you can release."
I asked, "Who is The Influencer? Is she known by a real name? Is her grandmother and mother of any insignificance? Assuming this coin was only ever wanted by one person. I'd say, is The Influenecr Lilith?"
Lucifer looks around the snow covered rocks, as he whispers, "Follow me. Let me show you the old prophecy and tell you who they are in my office." He guides us towards a door and we enter. It looked like a mental therapy or psychiatrist's office. He sits at the desk as me and Pennington sit across. He pulls a book from one of the drawer's on the desk. He opens it and reads the text;
When the sacred daughter of Christian's First and the granddaughter of Greek's Vision enter the post Apocalyptic realm. A threat will stand with voice and reason. One article will grant her true power. A golden eye, but with this sight, she still won't be whole. Looking to her first vision for future guidance. An echo to the past.
I said, "What does this prophecy mean? It's very unclear and twisted."
Lucifer says, "Some believe that it's possibly a descendant of Pythia, who is the Oracle of Delphi. Nobody knows what the golden eye means. I believe it to be that coin you have held onto all these years."
Pennington looks at Lucifer and says, "If it is a descendant of Pythia, we need to exit Hell and look for her granddaughter, Britna. Because I'm Pythia's only living child. At least according to the scroll that was left to me as a child in the Enchanted Forest."
I ask Pennington, "But you said Pythia's granddaughter. You only have one child, a son. Me?!"
Pennington says, "Actually, I have your older sister that your mother took and raised. And you also have a younger brother that was born a few years ago. Let's find a way out, so we can get to Bangor, Maine."
I said, "Bangor? Like where I have been living? My sister is in my home town?"
Pennington says, "Not your sister. Your mother lives there."
Lucifer takes me and papa to a hole in the wall. Lucifer points at it and says, "See. It's barricaded by silver bars."
I look and don't see any bars. I say, "Their isn't any bars. Could this Influencer have made you think there wasn't an exit? Try stepping forward."
Lucifer steps forward but is stopped. Pennington and me step forward, but go through the hole. Lucifer tries again. Nothing. I say, "I think you need to turn around and leave." As he turns around. I grab him and pull him through. It worked."
Lucifer says, "How'd that work? I couldn't step through!"
I say, "Her voice persuaded you that you shouldn't step through, but your mind couldn't be aware of you passing til you passed. So me yanking you through, broke the influence."
We then find our way to a ladder leading up to a sewer grate. Lifting the grate, we see the city of Los Angeles. The city wasn't the same. Skyscrapers have been toppled over. The sun is more orange and less yellow. The trees were dead and rotting. I say, "Wow. She really did a number on this place."
Lucifer says, "Actually, it wasn't your sister. It was The Beast. Nothing can grow, since it's body parts rose from the dirt. They enslaved the world. And we have to get across the USA without being noticed. Follow me, I parked my car somewhere."
Lucifer pulls his keys from his suit pocket  and honks the horn. We hear the blaring noise coming from a fire station. We go inside and get into the car. It was a Chevrolet Corvette C1 1962 edition. Beautiful car. My dad and Lucifer in the front dealt with me in the back. We were driving down the abandoned streets, when my dad started playing with the radio.
A station with music all to similar came on. The artist was named Jake Hill, but the music and beat sounded like DHARK and BL4CK. I listen closer and hear a faint girl saying things underneath the music. "Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. They crawl all over. Itching and biting you burn." Said the girl. Suddenly my arms felt a sharp tingling. An itching that grew and spread to my legs. I started to scratch. My dad started to scratch. The only one not scratching was Lucifer. It felt like my veins were shrinking and growing continuously. I scratched until the girl's voice said, "Stop. The burn goes away. But soon we all will be burning. The object is on earth."
She somehow knew that the coin was on earth. But how?! After several long hours of driving, we ended up in Newark, New Jersey.. The car stopped like it overheated. So we went to a nearby hotel. Outside the hotel was an abandoned ice cream shop, but everything is pretty much abandoned. According to Lucifer, people live in pits in the earth and worship The Beast and The Influencer. Lucifer picks the lock of room 15. We all crash for the night.
Thursday The next day, we awoke to scratching on the door. Getting up, I open the door. Running away was a young boy. He looked to be around 10 or 11. I chase after him without shoes on my socked feet. This was weird to see a child in the middle of nowhere and not near one of the mosh pits. He had ran into the abandoned ice cream shop. I saw the inside and immediately knew the brand, The Scoop. I used to eat that ice cream, when Aunty Paula took me and Vinny. The company is a national chain owned by Earth. I turn the corner into the back room and see the boy going into a closet. Slamming the door before I got there. I hear him screaming and a little girl crying. I open the closet. He was holding a little girl that was in fetile position crying. The boy said, "Pppp-please don't hurt us. We will do whatever you need. Just don't hurt us."
I walked upto the boy and said, "We won't hurt you. We don't work with the people here. My friends and I have been in hell for the last 3 years. We are good. What's your name?"
The boy says, "Okay. We don't part with them either. We are good and so was our family, until it changed. My name is Chance and this is my sister Josa Mo. I've been raising her and hiding for the last 3 years, but we are running out of food."
I put my hand in my pocket and held the coin. Imagining their bodies healthy and full. Their hunger and thirst subsided. They get up and I say, "Wanna help us find some earplugs, like the ones you have?"
He walks over to the counter and pulls out a small Tupperware container. Hands me three pairs of earplugs.
The boy says, "Can we come with you guys? I think we might be able to help."
So Chance and Josa Mo follow me back into the hotel room, where Pennington and Lucifer were getting dressed. I hand one pair of earplugs to Pennington and another to Lucifer. Taking the last pair into my ears. The outside world was quieted and I could hear my heartbeat, blood flow, and thoughts more clearly. We head out of the hotel and begin the final 8 hour drive to Bangor, Maine. The car goes thunk, thunk across speed bumps. Looking across the various scenery, I see a pit.
On the final hour into Bangor, Chance stares into the desert. Pointing he says, "That's mama. Sissy that's my Mommy."
I said, "What do you mean, she's your mommy? She's a lion."
He says, "The Influencer commanded her to turn herself into nature and find her path. So she transformed into a lion and has guarded the deserts since."
We made it into Bangor finally. As Lucifer is driving the car, I realize the neighborhood we are in. My cousin Vinny's neighborhood. Things take more of a turn. We pull into the driveway of the house that I wasn't allowed to visit often. We are at Vinny's house. We all got out of the car. The children wanted to stay outside and wait. Lucifer, Pennington, and I knock on the door. I hear the door being unlocked and just as it's opened, I see my Aunt Paula.
To Be Continued...

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