The Hundred Mile Run

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Suddenly, warm fingers wrapped around my arm as I inched through the forest. Glancing to the side, I see my cousin Vinny. He said, "The party is just up ahead. We are having so much fun." The trees begin to clear past, as now Vinny and I stand in the cemetery overlooking a rave. I hear a voice shout, "Dennis, over here." I follow the voice to find my girlfriend, Suzie. With a passionate greeting, I latch my lips onto hers and we exchange a sweet kiss. I feel like this story needs to start from the beginning.

Twenty-Four Hours Earlier    My name is Dennis McKenzie and I live in a small town outside of Maine. Growing up in a small town is never easy, but it's a lot worse when your parents own the town. I barely made a decent friend group last year. I met Suzie Lancaster in Geometry class. She eventually introduced me to her friend group, which my cousin was part of. I was never close with Vincent McKenzie, since my parents forbid us from hanging with that side of the family. My parents are filthy rich and my cousin's side of the family is poor. My dad lended money to Vinny's family once, but they never returned the money. Since Suzie was friends with Vinny, it gave me a chance to finally have a cousin and best friend. So back to the story, Vinny and I were standing near our lockers talking, when Suzie came over with tickets in her hands. She said, "These are three VIP tickets to the last BL4CK Rave party of the year. We should all go tomorrow night."

I say, "It sounds fun, but tomorrow night is a school night. We wouldn't get any sleep. And I'm sure that there will be other Rave hosts throughout the year. Like it's only March."

Vinny says, "Sure, there are always other Raves, but BL4CK is the best host. And this is their last party of the year, so they will have The Black Room open. We are going!"

I say, "Okay. Fine, but I'm the sober driver."

We had carried on with the rest of our classes and met up outside the school to hangout. Suzie sits in the front with me. Vinny sat in the backseat and I drove the car to his house. I'm not allowed to bring him to my house, unfortunately. Paula McKenzie, Vinny's mom, opened the front door inviting us inside. Unlike the house that I grew up in, this house is small and old. A pungent smell always hits the nostrils, right when you enter and you don't ever get used to that rotten smell. The house is carpeted all throughout. A few cigarette burns on the walls and carpets. Bong on the coffee table. Vinny led us to his room. A few minutes later, Paula knocks on the door.

"Come in, mom!" said Vinny.

"Do you guys and gal want something to eat or drink? I don't have much, but I can offer water with saltines." said Paula

I say, "No thanks, Aunty. I'm still full from lunch."

Paula leaves the bedroom, purposely keeping the door open. She never wants the door to be closed. Vinny turns on his bluetooth speaker and cranks the volume all the way up. The music that is playing is the band DH4RK, who usually headlines BL4CK Raids. I hear Paula shout, "Fine just shut the door. I don't wanna hear that horrible music." Vinny smirks and gets up to close his bedroom door. At that moment, I saw it. He had a tattoo on his ankle.

I say, "What's with the new tattoo, cuz? Did your dad let you get it?"

He lifts his pant leg and says, "Nah, he would never let me get one. I had Mr.Tanner tattoo me after school last week. He did it for a half gram of weed. It's our last name, dude." The tattoo wasn't McKenzie, but McKacie.

I said, "That's not our last name."

He said, "Yeah. It is. Vincent McKacie. Dennis McKacie. Look at your license."

I pulled my wallet out, opened it, and pointed the ID outward. "See. McKenzie." I stated.

Vinny turned the wallet to face me and said, "It's McKacie bro. Look!"

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