Into the closet

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Another week had passed, and you've endured a few visits from the timer. Most were in your dreams, but it still didn't ease the fact. In luck, the entire week you booked off vacation. Work would've been hard during all this fiasco. Spending the entire week studying all you could find, you prepared for the incoming face off . Worry set in as there was no certainty how long this would take, and if you would end up coming back after all of this. It was finally time to take matters into your own hands. You put all your needed supplies into your travel backpack. (Including a tactical shovel you had just bought.Best to cover all bases). Walking down the hall , towards the closet, you could already hear the ticking, and could see the glow from the frame. Everything was going according to plan. Before opening the door, you affixed the rope onto the adjacent door handle, and tied it to yourself. This way, if you somehow ended up getting lost in a walk-in closet, you could find your way out. Prepared as much as possible, you opened the closet to see the spiral, no timer at the moment. Cautiously walking in, your last step proved to you that you weren't alone in there.

The door had shut behind you. You were now in a black and white room with a spiral deepening in the distance. Aside from the ticking, every footstep was echoing off the walls. At this point you were just prepared for something to jump out, but nothing. As you continue walking towards the spiral, it continues to get farther away, but you can now see a door. It's hard to make out,  amongst the spiralling, but it is half black, half white. You continue walking and the door comes closer. There's something on it "00:00:00:00, The End World".  (That's not at all a bit worrying). A few minutes later, you finally have reached the door, but it has no handle... there was no way to get in.

     You tried to speak, and suddenly realized, you could only mutter static & noise. This dimension wouldn't let you speak. "Trouble talking?"- a voice muttered behind you. Turning around, the timer along with REDACTED was standing looking with an affixed gaze. Trying to speak again, nothing but noise. REDACTED spoke again - " You're weak, if you can't even talk how do you expect to defeat me. I think you need to spend some time where you once were, The End World ''. You heard a click behind you, the door opened to a black vast emptiness.  "See you on the other side" - REDACTED said with a tense undertone in its voice. It in an instant, shoved you backward, into the black abyss' door frame. You tried to grab on but no luck, falling into nothing and the door closing behind you. Was this called " The End World'' for a reason? Was there some way to return? You begin to pass out, then your head hits the wall, pound!

     Coming to, eyes opening, looking around, all there is as black. There were objects though, all black, very hard to make out. You could see pillars, some fully standing, some crumbling and falling over. There was also a texture along the floor, as if you were on some kind of a carpet. There was no ticking here, but there were whispers. Some more often and clearly than others. "A sacrifice" - " shhh ,  they mustn't know" - "one that comes from the light". You uttered the words through the little breath you had, "where am I" . A single light beam came down, about 100 feet from where you were on the ground. It had a coffin, one that looked very familiar. It was the one from the Unus Annus livestream, a bit beat up but still in good condition. Getting yourself to your feet, you started walking over to it. The whispers started getting louder, with each step you took. Finally reaching the coffin, you peaked inside it, to find two skulls and a note - "The hunt has begun". You didn't know what was going on, but looking at those skulls, you could feel it in your bones.

      The whispers stopped, all but one. "It's time to lay yourself to rest.'' Were you really gonna listen to a random whisper in the dark and jump inside this coffin amongst two skulls. This was quite the bone-chilling experience. (I was worried that my bone humour would fall flat, but then I used my funny bone) You didn't really have much of a choice, you could wait in a black abyss, or step inside a coffin. You made the smart (yet stupid) decision to get in the coffin, closing the top upon you. You waited for a few minutes and nothing was happening. It was okay though as you got to lay once where Ethan & Mark had their moments during the livestream. You let another few minutes pass, then decided to let yourself out. Pushing off the top you were in a white room, with the pillars and coffin. It appeared it was the end world but now all white instead of black. Stepping out of the coffin you look around and see a figure off in the distance. Immediately you start running towards it, full speed, grabbing your tactical shovel in hand. It was REDACTED (or appeared to be). You were within range, and proceeded to lunge into an attack. Then out of nowhere, the closet door opened. You hit your friend with a tactical shovel. (It's gonna leave a slight mark) They came to check on you, saying that it had been a week since you last messaged them. You thought it had only been a day, but time is different in the closet dimension I guess. You apologized to your friend for hitting them. "What the heck is going on here?" they asked. You decided that it was time to tell them.

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