The Dilemma

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As crazy as it was, you explained the circumstances to your friend. They at first just thought you were joking. After bringing out ; books upon books, a connection cork board, and the deranged, yet concentrated looks on your face, they understood something was going on. To make things even more believable, the lights started to flicker and cold air filled the house. Your friend still wasn't fully convinced, until they heard a sound coming from the closet. You told them how this "dimension'' was appearing in the closet and by opening the door, it was exactly as you said. Your friend, beyond too stunned to speak, backing away slowly. You told them what you saw and what the whole thing was about, and they finally believed you. Now here comes the dilemma. Were you stuck in that dimension without your friends' help, or could you have got out? They wanted to help, but was it wise to both go into the other dimension? What if one gets stuck in there? There was too much risk. You told your friend that they were to open the door exactly 24 hours from now. Plenty of time to investigate, yet not enough to get trapped forever. They agree to go ahead with your plan, and you set out back into the closet. 24:00:00 was set on a watch so you knew the real world's time. You closed the door after saying "see you on the other side" .

The room looked different this time, black & white divided down the middle of the room. On each side, there was a door opposite of value, and standing in the middle of the room was a spiral portal. There was nowhere else to go other than the three places, so you had to make a decision.

(You've come to a choice of where to go. All places are returnable from and can be accessed in any order *Recommended to read all in order*)

The black door on the white side of the room: it was 7 feet tall and fully solid. It had a plaque hung on it that said "Unus". The door had no visible wear to it, brand new. Opening the door, it was a desert, sky filled with stars. All was silence with an occasional crows caw. This brought back the memory of " a serious conversation under the stars". Even more, standing there, was a figure, it was Unus ?

To go inside the black door, please proceed to part 8

The white door on the black side of the room: it was 7 feet tall and fully solid. It had a plaque hung on it that said "Annus". The door had slight scuffs on it. It could be because the owner isn't a masochist, but wanted to see if the door could handle it. Upon opening the door, it was an open field. It looked like a desert out of a western savannah movie. The sound of brushing grass is calming you. You could see a shovel on the ground in the distance. It reminds you of a certain memory called "how to safely bury your friend". Even more, standing there, was a figure, it was Annus?

To go inside the white door, please proceed to part 9

The spiralling portal in the middle of the split room: it was about 10 feet wide, plenty of space to walk into. It was opaque with a bit of transparency the further out it went. You couldn't hear anything coming from the other side, nor could you see anything. It was a total mystery. You could sense something powerful on the other side. It might not be wise to go in just yet, but no one is stopping you.

To go inside the spiralling portal, please proceed to part 10

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