The Last Goodbye

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Arriving back into your dimension, into your house you run to your friend and hug them tightly. "I told you I'd keep my promise". Collapsing onto the couch nearby you turn your head towards Unus and Annus."What now? You're free. No more running. But you said something back there that concerns me. You said about saying your final goodbyes and then leaving. Is this all really true? Did you never plan on staying around? What am I supposed to do with both of you gone? I'm glad we got you back and your alive and happy but, what do I get out of this than some sad feeling of you leaving again?"

Annus pulled up a chair and then proceeded to touch your shoulder. "We set out to do one thing and we finished that 2 years ago. However the memories were being lost. People who were fans were moving on. We needed to find someone to continue living by our words. And well... we found you. You embodied everything we could of ever asked for in a fan. There's something we need to tell you. Just not yet."

Unus proceeded to also pull a chair up, only to flip onto the couch upside down. "You met all of them right? All of our companions? There is one thing we must do before we leave and it's to talk to all of them. SCP-Amy, The Gongoozler, Heehoo, The melon man and lastly, The guardians. We've called them all together with a dimensional rift pulse."

Annus intervenes "Hey! You're not supposed to tell them that you dingus" He grabbed the nearest pillow hurling it at Unus's face.

"Ow you're just as crazy as Mark was. You're so mean to me sometimes." Unus said this with a very pouty tone, one similar to Ethan once said during Unus Annus.

"Next time it'll be a paintball gun instead of a pillow watch it buddy", Mark jokingly replied back. "Dont worry about the rift pulse thing it only affected those who didn't watch Unus Annus. There all gonna be having headaches for the rest of the day."

You stand up and look at Unus and Annus. The once static figures that weren't able to speak and were haunting you, were now what felt like your best friends that wouldn't stop talking. "So where's the meetup? It better not be in my house. Half your companions tried to tear me apart."

"Oh don't worry it's only because they were told to test you. Each had their own missions to accomplish and you managed to outsmart each one." Unus and Annus at that moment both pulled out a rectangular item. Both had 00:00 engraved on it. "These are the key to the meetup place. This will fast travel us there. They are all already waiting. So? Are you ready? Time for our final goodbyes?"

    Putting the pieces together emitted a quick flash to an all too familiar place. It was the place of the livestream. It was like the first (and last) day you saw it. It brought back a wave of emotions. "Turn around" Annus said, putting their hand upon your shoulder. Turning around was everyone from the journey: SCP-Amy, The Gongoozler, Heehoo, The melon man and all the guardian spirits. Unus spoke, "I'm so glad to see you all again. I trust you all played your parts well. We found the one".

    "The one?", you ask.

     Unus chuckled, "Oh you didn't realize all this time? You see we were testing you. Most people through our searching never even bothered to find the hourglass. Most didn't touch it if they did. It didn't spark the memories like it did to you. Very few people took it with them and out of all of them, you were the only person to keep it though everything. You were afraid, but curious. It gave you hope of something that you one had and we all saw it in you"

    Annus then intervened. "We couldn't stop at you just holding onto the hourglass though. We had to test to see how true of a fan you were. You see along with our abilities, that hourglass had a special role in this. It contains every single memory, every moment big and small from the year. It is the channels spirit. Only a true fan can utilize its full power and to do that we needed to make sure you'd be ready. And it's just about time for that. I hate to have a short lived reunion but all of my friend I will see after this. The only one we are saying goodbye to is you unfortunately."

    "The hourglass and its full power? Ready? For what?"

    "For to help us say goodbye. You see we're in this place because we can only leave when the timer reaches zero. When we missed our deadline with the channel we we put in a limbo space. We escaped, but by doing that REDACTED was created. The only way any of us to leave is to have someone who's been through it all, hold the hourglass press the button on the laptop and say "see you on the other side" . You've now met all the conditions and can help up finally rest the way we should. So.... What do you say? Can you do that for us?"

     Tears are rolling down your face uncontrollably. It had always felt like you were chosen for something but this was not what was expected. You were to stand where Mark and Ethan once stood and say the same words they last uttered before black. "If I do this I'll never see you again right? I don't want that. I want you all to stay. You've made my life so much more interesting. I've changed my outlook on life because of the channel. Please, tell me there's some other way..."

    "There's not. This is it. You will always have the channel and you'll keep all the memories from this journey. Help Unus Annus fulfil it's purpose." Unus and Annus both go down onto one knee in front of you. And hold out the hourglass. With tears in your eyes you grab it and say "okay, but a group hug is in order first." Everyone obliged. After standing there for a full minute, nothing but silence and tears flowing, it's broken up and everyone heads over to the laptop.

   There is 30 seconds left on the clock and everything is quiet. The only sound is the ticking of the clock. It was all too real. Something that you once stared at on a screen was now in your control. 20 seconds remain. Looking towards both Unus and Annus, they both nod in acceptance. Looking at everyone else, there is nothing but happy tears and content. 10 seconds remain now. One hand on the hourglass, one hovering the enter key to delete it all. It was such an overwhelming feeling, but one you must push through. With 5 seconds left everyone says softly "see you on the other side" You took and deep breath and said it.

See you on the other side.....

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