The Abandon House (At Night)

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It was hard to notice when you first arrived, but the outside of the house was covered in what was hoped to be red paint. Words on the outside walls included ; "go away! , 11325 , Danger , Red eye monster". Approaching the back door to the house, there was extremely loud thrashing. There were also some strange noises, almost like dial-up rings but more ominous and threatening. The back windows had been boarded up previously with some shards of glass laying on the floor. There was a big enough gap to peek through to take a look in. Inside, a 5 foot creature in a lab coat was roaming. In one hand, a mallet, in the other, a paintbrush. There were no lights inside the house aside from an ominous red glow. Wondering where the glow was coming from, you got the answer. The creature turned around and there, behold, the red eye. Nervously, you crouch down at the window fearing it saw you. It didn't appear as it did which was a good thing. Looking back into the gap, you saw that it had moved into the next room. It was time to go inside the house. In order to complete the dimensional container, it was said a red eye was needed. This was what it was talking about, and it was not going to be easy.

     Walking through the back door ever so carefully to not make a creak, the sounds inside the house were getting quieter. It was moving farther away in the house. Inside what used to be a kitchen, was a wooden chair and a table split in two. There were basic appliances like a toaster and a fridge. (And for some reason 5 OVENS!!!). The sounds were starting to become louder as if it was in the adjacent room. You didn't have much time to prepare. You grabbed the toaster and wooden chair and whipped up some weird trap. You took the cord of the toaster and made a trip wire. When it would walk through the door, it would trip and fall forward into the back of the chair. From there, you would use your trusty tactical shovel and hit its head, enough to grab one of its red eyes out of its socket. You didn't have much time to come up with a master plan so this was as good as it was going to get. Then, it approached the door frame. Its gaze turned towards you and it was very clear what it was. It was SCP-11325 Amy. It started moving forward, quicker than expected and tripped on the cord. It hit the chair but it did not fall over. Swinging your tactical shovel at it, the mallet was raised and stopped the hit. Somehow SCP Amy was overpowering you. It brute forced the shovel out of your hands and you were now defenceless. Thinking quickly you jump back behind the table and dash into the next room blocking the frame with a piece of the table. It had trouble climbing so this gave you some time. Going into the living room, there was a TV with static. (Weird as it was an abandoned house with no power) there was a flight of stairs off to the one side. You veer to the left and go up the stairs to quickly escape. The only way up or down, was those stairs. Taking a look around, the upstairs layout was very open, almost no walls. Things were covered with sheets and dust but nothing appeared to be destroyed. This meant that SCP Amy couldn't climb up the stairs. Pulling off some of the dusty sheets revealed charts with plans on them. The plans contained drawings of spirals and an hourglass. It showed a way to use that hourglass that started it all. By pressing firmly on the top and bottom, it would create a pulse. What kind of pulse was unknown, but in the end this was still vital information. There was no clear way out of the house and no easy way to take SCP Amy's eye. Looking around the room upstairs you find: rope, some marbles, an old net, and a rack of lab coats. A plan was forming but would it work? The plan goes as follows:

      1. Go downstairs and scope out SCP Amy's position by noise.
      2. Make your way to the kitchen, find your tactical shovel and set up the trap. Place marbles upon the entrance to the kitchen. Put the split table on both sides to prevent escape. Fill the net with lab coats above the room. Tie down with rope and wait for the perfect moment.
      3. Coax SCP Amy into the kitchen for the trap to take effect. Cut the rope with the tactical shovel to collapse the net upon the SCP. Hit its walk-ie talkie voice box to leave it stunned, then dismember the eye.
      4. Leave as quickly as possible.

     It was as good of a plan as you were going to get. You didn't have much time left until you were to return so it had to happen immediately. Creeping slowly down the stairs, you listen for the sounds. It seemed as it was a few rooms away as it was nearly silent. Tiptoeing to the kitchen you see your tactical shovel. Picking it up there were words on it in red. (Hoping it was red paint). It read "RUN!?". There was still very little sounds, so you began setting the trap. You prepared as much as possible upstairs to make it easier. Quietly moving the table in place, setting the marbles on the floor and hanging the net, it was ready. You only had 15 minutes left before your time was up, so you yelled. " SCP AMY IS NOTHING BUT A FAILED ART PROJECT!!!" . All of a sudden, the static grew louder, and a mallet could be heard. From the hallway a red ominous glow was becoming stronger. Then it appeared briskly around the corner waist it no time. It sped into the kitchen to become trapped on the marbles. It slid right into a piece of the split table, clotheslining it to the ground. Acting swiftly, you cut the rope with your tactical shovel which unleashed the lab coats on top of the SCP. Without a single breath, a swing is made with the tactical shovel to the walk-ie talkie. It was halted of static for a brief moment. Talking the end of the shovel you swung down at its arms. You proceeded to dismantle it to protect yourself. The SCP had fallen and couldn't move, this was the opening. Reaching down you go to grab the eye. " This isn't what Unus & Annus wanted". Those words put you into a immediate halt. Did SCP Amy just speak? Or did someone else? With only a minute remaining so screamed into the face of SCP Amy, "I WILL PROTECT THEM NO MATTER WHAT!". You ripped the red eye from the socket and dash out of the kitchen overtop of the SCP's body. You run to the front door to open it but it wouldn't budge. The static became stronger and there were massive sounds coming from the kitchen. You look back to see SCP Amy, standing with its arm somehow reattached. It bolted towards the front door. Rapping at the door yelling help, the door opens and you fall through. You were back to real time. Before you could say anything you grab the door behind you and slam it shut. "THUD".

      "Looks like you've been through an awful lot", said your friend. "One more minute and I wouldn't have made it back.." you gasp out while trying to gain air to breathe. You threw the three pieces that you gathered along with the blueprint in front of you. "This is the key to winning. I don't know how but we're gonna make the Timer & REDACTED wish they never tried anything." It was the home stretch now.... Or at least you hoped....

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