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    This was much different from the last time. Something was different about REDACTED. It was speaking in a crazed almost demon like tone. Whatever it was, it definitely caused for concern. That wasn't going to stop you though. Unus and Annus both could fend for themselves and your friend wasn't there for a casualty. This was just between you and REDACTED. While Unus and Annus got started on their duty, you rushed at REDACTED with a tactical shovel in hand. A quick jump up and a forceful swing to the head, a hit connects. Getting back up looking toward it, it was still standing still. REDACTED started chuckling. "N̴͔̚ị̷̃c̴͉͠e̸̐͜ ̸̨̏t̶̜̔r̴͉̐y̷̢͠.̸̠̍ ̷͜͠Ȋ̷͚t̵̹̀'̷̖̒s̶̙͗ ̴̮͋g̶̪̊ò̴̰ï̴̱ň̵̨g̵͖̽ ̷̱̑t̵̪̂o̵̹̿ ̴͚̐t̸̻̓a̸̢̾k̴͓̏è̸̢ ̸̋ͅm̴̹͊ṵ̸̍c̵̱̓h̵̺́ ̶͚̏m̸̨̃ọ̷̒r̶͖̾ē̴̜ ̷͙̉t̵͑͜ḫ̷̓a̵̰͂n̸̨̽ ̸̲̐t̶̩̿h̶̛͓a̷̞̒t̶̮͐.̸̙̇" all of a sudden, within a blink of an eye, REDACTED is in front of your face. A quick flip to the forehead sends you flying backwards. It was much stronger now. Was it holding back the first time it fought? What could you possibly do in this scenario?

"Their just tricks! We're both here for you! All you gotta do is admit your a masochist!"

Wiping away at your face, your very puzzled. Why would you admit your a masochist for? What good would that do? "I'm not a masochist!", you shout back. "Just admit it!" Unus shouts over. "FINE I AM A MASOCHIST THERE YOU HAPPY!". Within seconds something changed. You felt an overflow of energy in your entire body as if you we now stronger and couldn't feel pain as much. "Good! Now tell me you wanna learn how to read!" Unus shouted. Without hesitation you yell. " I do but fine. I JUST WANNA LEARN HOW TO READ!" Out of nowhere, you felt a strange sense. REDACTED was going to attack but it hadn't done so yet. Saying that aided you in reading the opponents moves before they were to happen. "That should put you on pretty even ground. You'll still have to think swiftly though", Annus shouted.

     REDACTED was now barreling at you. Perhaps it didn't see this coming at all. All of a sudden REDACTED cracked out a weapon. It was a scythe, but it had something off  about it. It contained a timer on the blade with a dial along the handle. There was no idea to what it would do so it was best to stay away. Jumping back, REDACTED one again shifted behind you in a blink of an eye and caught you with the blade. Instead of it being over, REDACTED turned it around to the blunt side and jabbed you in the torso. Getting pushed back, you maintain your footing but it was far from over. Looking over to REDACTED with the scythe, it was spinning it very fast. All of a sudden to a halt. Time froze all around except on you and REDACTED.

     "Like my little helper here. The timer has more than one form. This is its weapon state. I can use it at will to end someone whenever I please. When someone is hit with it, it will active its ability. You see this dial here can manipulate time. I can make it go forwards or backwards in our present time. To everyone else its delay and replay is hidden to their eyes. Upon spinning the scythe, it creates the time stop for me and the people I've hit. The only way to get out of this is to get the scythe out of my hands. However, it would be quite hard to come near me if I can just replay time. Your move now. What are you going to do huh?"

You rush towards REDACTED with your shovel once again in hand. You get within inches of hitting it but before you could, poof you were back to where you were standing. "I already told you ya little punk. You can't touch me. Now be smart a just give up. I'll spare you I really don't need you. I just need to eliminate the other two."

"I'd rather let the Gongoozler grab me by the toes" , you said very cockily. Running up once again met you with the same fate. REDACTED chuckled, "how about I show you was I can do". Grabbing the scythe firmly, turning the dial, REDACTED started to laugh menacingly. "There we go! Feel that?"

"Um ? No?" , you replied very puzzled.

"Oh I'm terrible sorry. You will soon." REDACTED then snapped its fingers and all of a sudden you took in multiple blows to the legs and stomach. It's hits ranged from minor stinging up to full force hits that would knock out your breath. This was it though. Just getting to your feet, you feel a scratch on your face. The scythe that was in his hand had somehow reached you without moving.

"I told you you'd feel it. Not only can I rewind attacks to before they happen, I can also preplan attacks in the future when you can see me. You like it? I'm pretty proud of them" REDACTED was only getting more crazy as time went on. That once merciful gaze was starting to look psychopathic.

At this point you realized there was no point to attacking as all it would only rewind the time. The only this you could do was evade the unforeseeable future attacks. The only was to stop future attacks though was to distract in the present. This was gonna prove difficult. You could still stand and fight due to the masochist energy flowing though you. However the reading attacks very very hard to do as they were in a future, not in front of you. An idea then hit you. You reached into your back quickly and pulled out a red rope. (It was the same kind of rope Ethan once used to tie up Mark in the one Unus Annus episode " Using a knot technique you learned from them, you attached one side to the shovel and one to your hand.

"Oh please. What on Earth are you doing? Just give up already would you please". REDACTED was starting to get rather annoyed that you wouldn't back down. So much that REDACTED decided to go in for and actual strike. You could read what he was going to do. It was coming in quickly looking for a front chest blow. But that wasn't what was happening. REDACTED to this point had only being doing fake front attacks. It was surely going to attack from behind.. You threw the shovel out in front in a swinging circular motion. Just as expected REDACTED vanishes behind you only to find you ducking downward and a shovel to its face. And the pressure was enough to set it back. Luckily enough, the force of the shovel and trajectory was just right to also hook the scythe. With a pull back of the rope. You now had control of the scythe. "Time is up." You threw the scythe to the ground and snapped the handle along with breaking the dial. It return to being a little clock. The time had went back to being normal. Perfect timing too as Unus and Annus had just finished fixing the spiral staircase. "Quick the staircase is working but there's no telling how long! We gotta end this quick" , Annus shouted. You grab the timer and walk over to REDACTED and say probably the most ballsy thing you could of though at the time. "Why don't you go fetch" You throw the timer into the spiral staircase and REDACTED screams a sorrowful sound. It runs over to the staircase but hesitated to get on. It knew what would happen if it did. "Please can you go on and save the timer. CANT YOU!?!?! PLEASE! " REDACTED was very visibly upset and well aware it was no match anymore with the timer in hand. "Unus... Annus.... Is there a way for him to exit this in say 1000 years or so? I'd truly hate to see it trapped in here forever but I wanna make sure you have your life free of worry."

    "We had a feeling you might ask that" Unus said while looking over to Annus. "In the event that we were to no longer exist at any point we have designed our spirits to break this staircase. At that point they will be free to go. We just had to say some final goodbyes and such. We never were truly meant to stay forever but REDACTED here thought so. You won't be in here for long we can promise you that. We just need to say our goodbyes. Can you trust us with that REDACTED?"

    "How can I trust you? How do I know that your telling the truth?", REDACTED asked. You crouch down and say "I promise they will, I'll make sure of it okay." REDACTED huffs and stands up. "Okay you say your goodbyes. I'll be waiting until then. Oh and by the way if you ever throw my timer again, or any for that matter. I will hunt you down and bring you back to the IDBC myself got it. Now go on. I thank you for sparing me. I don't know if I could've held myself to that same standard."

     You hug REDACTED and say "You'll find your purpose one day. One that doesn't involve hunting truly innocent people down cause it's your job" Turning around , you walk away as REDACTED walks into the spiral staircase to retrieve the timer. It waves goodbye with a single tear in its eyes. You, Unus and Annus walk away back to the place you entered upon. Things were finally coming to an end.

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