Into The Hourglass

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     You and your friend were ready to go. It was 11pm. There was nothing between two great friends and the closet dimension that awaits. Walking over to the closet door and opening it, the glow it gives off is as bright as ever. Taking your friends hand and say, "Two may of ended it, but a new two are gonna help them fix the problems that came with that event." At the same time, the two of you walk into the closet and the door shuts behind you. Passing through the magic of the closet, appears a room that has been visited once before. It was the room with the coffin, and off to each side of the room was a small spotlight shining down. Under both lights, there were a grave. Looking and agreeing with each other, you both took one each, walking towards them at the same pace. Approaching the grave, it was dug out, about 6 feet deep, and at the bottom was an object. Yelling over at your friend, they were met with the same circumstances. Jumping down into the graves, what looked like ground was not. Falling through the grave brought the two of you into a pitch black room. The only thing that could be seen was each other's eyes. (As if it was some cartoon) Looking down at your hands, you could feel something but could not see it. All of a sudden a portal opened. Walking towards the portal there was whispers.

" Throw the hourglass in... Much more awaits you and your friend."

Then, a shout. "Do it! We can't hold on much longer!" It was Unus and Annus's voice. A decision was made. Throwing the hourglass into the portal made it grow. It began to encompass the entire room. There was no escape. With a simple nod to your friend, the darkness devoured you both.

     Coming to, it was a very interesting room. There were hundreds of doors floating around, along with some spirits. Ghosts... Taking one step further, yielded a loud echo, and all the spirits had locked eyes upon you. A hand touched your shoulder from behind. With quick reflexes, crouching and leg sweeping in a 360, it was realized it was your friend. Oops. Helping them up, the spirits were now much closer. Too close in fact. There was talking from somewhere. It was from the spirit box reader you brought. Scanning through, some voices were picked up.

"Can they hear us?"
"Who are these people"
"Why are they dressed like that."
"You know I could really go for that Tim Hortons pretzel bagel right now... why did it have to get discontinued"
"Where are they going?"

"Listen I don't know what's going on here but we need to find the spiral staircase. Can any of you help?" , your friend said. Dead silence. Then, a single voice spoke. "31/10... go there. There you will find answers you seek, look for the spirit guardian." Without another word being spoke, all the spirits started flying around, each going into a floating door. What was this place? As the last ghost entered its door, something started falling from above. It was sand. You and your friend were INSIDE the hourglass. With the sand flowing quickly, there was no telling how much time was left to find this 31/10 the sprits spoke of. With a little jump, it was found that gravity wasn't applicable in the hourglass. The search for 31/10 began. With every leap, you could both propel to doors that were floating around. With inspection, each door had a numbering on it. The first door had the number 15/11. Opening to take a peak it appeared to be Mark and Ethan in a kitchen with some very interesting utensils. Each door was a way to the video posted on each day. With the sand moving as fast as it was, there was no time to investigate these doors, only one. Kicking from door to door, neither of you could find it yet. It did appear that the higher the door was, the later the video was posted. Continuing to go up, It became more clear that this was where Unus Annus was stored. All the memories and episodes were all put into the hourglass for safe keeping. After about 15 minutes of climbing up the never ending doors, there it was. 31/10. Signalling your friend, they jump their way over. Peaking the door open, it looked to be a very secluded and abandoned place, and rather dark. Looking up in the sky there was text. Kinda weird but I guess anything's possible as you are inside of an hourglass. It read " The truth of Unus Annus". A video that remains inside your memory way to much. Heading inside, walking the path that they once did, you come to a dark room with a coffin on a table. Markiplier and Ethan appeared out of nowhere walking towards the coffin. The video was playing with you in it, watching it unfold. A voice then came from behind. "How did you get here?! Nobody's supposed to be here?! Can you just leave ALREADY!" Turning around, it appeared to be one of the spirits that went crazy into the doors. Was this the spirit guardian?

"Listen we're sorry to bust in here unwelcome, but we were told to come here.we're looking for the spiral staircase. Are you the spirit guardian?"

"If someone told you to slap a chicken till it's cooked would you do that too?! Huh?!" It didn't sound very amused.

"Please Unus and Annus could be in serious danger right now this is of upmost importance. Surely you know that REDACTED is coming after them. We need to trap it but we can't without that spiral staircase room."

"If what you are telling me is true, then there is much more grave issues at stake. Were you followed. WAIT! No time! Just come with me." You proceeded to follow the spirit.

It brought you and your friend to a rip in the darkness. "You must trust me. I know this sounds terrible but jump into here. Take this mini hourglass with you. It can control time along with other powers. Assuming that you are who you are, the hourglass you threw to get here is gone. This one works the same, just a lot smaller and easier to carry. Once you go in here, it will be all black. Use the glow of the hourglass to guide you to the staircase. Now GO! I can feel it's presence. I'll hold it off for as long as I can." The spirit, after handing over the mini hourglass, grabbed both of you, pushing directly into the black rift.

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