16. Moral Of The Story

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I dipped the small towel into the hydrogen peroxide, even accidentally getting some on my arms. No room for carelessness right now, Y/N. I led my hand to the center of his wound in the back. I tapped it carefully with the towel and lightly moved it upwards. He groaned in pain and I realized that since it was going to hurt no matter what, I could at least make it fast.

With gentle but this time quicker movements, I began cleaning the wound. I started from the upper area and then moved the towel to the bottom of the injury. I made sure the cleaning was enough before I used the towel for a different movement, from the left part to the right one. Hyunjin's whole body was tightened which actually made the work harder for me but I knew he couldn't control it and wouldn't be able to stop it even if I told him to try.

I hate seeing people in pain.

The wound in his back took about fifteen minutes to be cleaned and to think that the other day it took me less than ten minutes to clean all of his face injuries, it really shows how serious it is. I moved the towel to his shoulder after giving him a short moment to breathe. This trauma was easier to take care of, much to my relief. I was done with it in five minutes during which Hyunjin let out less groans of pain than he did for the previous wound. The last step left was taping over the injuries a bandage to avoid more bleeding. I took out the necessary supplies from the kit and carefully placed the bandages over his wounds, making sure I wasn't hurting him.

"Okay. I am done." I declared as I was putting back in the kit the things I had taken out.

Hyunjin nodded and later on proceeded to put his shirt back on. I know it was wrong but as his hands slipped through the thin fabric and his face was hidden in his attempt to get dressed again, I looked over at him. He had abs formed in his belly area, not too toned but definitely visible. His shoulders were broad and his arms also well-built, something I noticed before while I was cleaning his wounds. He sure has an attractive body.


Why would I use the word attractive to describe anything about Hyunjin?

No. His body simply looks good and healthy. That's all.

"You know when some minutes before you were ordering me what to do you sounded pretty dominant. Can't believe a mini Christian Grey was sitting next to me, damn.", he joked in a typical Hyunjin tone and way.

"Oh, shut up.", I replied surprisingly playfully.

He chuckled a little and I could feel that I had started to involuntarily blush. Thank God it's dark in here so he won't see this and tease me more.

But why would I blush in the first place?

"Uhm...Thanks again for this.", he paused to scratch the back of his neck, using the arm whose shoulder was unharmed, "I know it's kind of late to have you do things like that but I called you cause you did a good job last time with the other wounds so yeah."

It's not the first time I'm seeing him being awkward with thanking people or you know, explaining his reason for doing something but it never ceases to amaze me. How can this embarrassed Hyunjin be the same guy with the intimidating, rude and angry classmate?

"Don't worry, I'd do it for anybody in the same place as you. You were really injured, you know this right?", I questioned him with concern. Whatever he'd gotten himself into to get these scars, it couldn't be good.

"I know."

"Want to tell me what happened?", I asked hesitantly. I really wasn't in the mood to face any eruption he could potentially let out.

"It's the motorcycle again."


"You really have to be more careful with the motorcycle then." I emphasised the word 'motorcycle' to make him understand that I'm not falling for his excuses.

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