20. Attraction

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It was around 3 am when we finally started walking back towards our hotel. I knew I was actually tired and would probably fall asleep the minute I'd get in bed but for now, I felt so energetic and light on my feet.

"Someone's happy for kissing that hot guy back in the club." Rosalind raised her eyebrows teasingly at me which had Felix laughing before he raised his own eyebrows as well.

"He was pretty hot." Han joined in the conversation. His comment earned him an angry glare by Minho.

"You're hotter, don't worry." Han spoke again and the formerly upset boy relaxed.

Felix came next to me as though he had read my mind and told me quietly;

"None of us really knows their relationship status. We know they've done stuff together but it's unknown whether they're now dating, are friends with benefits or simply flirt."

I nodded to show I understand. I was right to guess they went skinny dipping together in the 'Never Have I Ever' game at the party. It feels like an eternity since that night. Many things have changed but Hyunjin's coldness remains the same.

Damn it. He keeps being on my mind and irritating me. This trip didn't do any good after all.

"Next time suck someone's dick in public. Don't settle for just making out."

Speaking of the devil.

"What's your problem Hyunjin?" I thought my anger would have disappeared after our fight but compared to now it felt like it was only the beginning.

"You act all preppy and polite but kiss random guys at clubs. That's very contradictory for someone who craves peace and stability, don't you think?"

"First of all, it was one guy and not many so cut the plural. Secondly, my peace is none of your business considering the fact that the only thing you do is disrupting it."

My fists were clenched and stuck to my sides to contain my anger. The rest of the group was watching me and Hyunjin carefully, as if this was the most impressive sight they've seen in a while. I can't blame them; I'd be hooked on it too.

"Losing control again?" He questioned with a smirk I'd love to erase from his face.

I wish I could say he doesn't get under my skin. I wish I could say that all of his insults and comments and his big ignorance don't bug me at all. I also wish he didn't look so freaking attractive in the middle of a fight.

Get your act together, Y/N.

"Yeah, so?" Where does this confidence come from every time I confront him?

He stood there for a while, not saying or doing anything. Confusion took over me but it was soon replaced by surprise and stress as he began walking towards me. What is he doing? He stopped a few inches away from my face and before I could compose myself, I gave a quick glance to his lips. What's wrong with me tonight?

"I'd show you but there are people around." He whispered in a way I could only describe as sexy. He then casually stepped away and turned around to continue walking to our hotel.

The sudden fastening of my breathing pace made me realize that the lack of sleep and the extreme tiredness made me feel and want things that I wouldn't normally. One thing was certain for today though; this night out was far away from peaceful.


The trip had ended 'successfully' according to Ms. Kim's words but I didn't share her opinion for obvious reasons. The weekend also went by without any exciting or important thing happening and just like that, we were back at school on Monday.

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