31. Let Me In

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Tonight had officially come and here I was, in Hyunjin's car with him driving to God knows where. He told me this place was 'special' to him so I must admit I was completely eager to see it.

"Here we are." He said as he pulled the car over and both of us got out.

I followed his lead to an area in the front of a small forest. An old wooden bench was there, surrounded by trees. Without saying anything else, he approached the bench and sat down.

"Come." He pointed to the place next to him.

As soon as I was also sat, I didn't hesitate to ask him what I've been curious about since the minute we got here.

"Why is this place special to you?"

"Tsch. Not even a moment to appreciate the beauty of the place, Y/N." He clicked his tongue jokingly.

"Oh, come on!" I complained and he laughed.

"I used to come here whenever things were tough at home with my dad and everything. Sometimes I would bring Jeongin with me but most of the time, I was alone." He sighed. "It's similar to your beach." He explained and my mouth opened in 'oh'.

"I do have a lot of bitches, yeah." I made a joke to light him up because even though he tried to pretend it didn't affect him, I noticed the way he bit his lip nervously.

"I'm number one then." He chuckled a little.

"Your dad must have been really bad." I commented truthfully.

"He wasn't always like that. At first, he was really loving with mum and would often play with me and my brother." He paused and I nodded. "However, some time after things got awfully wrong in his work and he would take it out on us by blaming my mum for his mistakes and calling Jeongin and I useless shits."


"Yes, he ended up hating us apparently." Hyunjin kept playing with his fingers while he was speaking.

"It's beyond unacceptable that he treated you like this just because his work didn't go well. Most people turn to their family for support in times like that but he chose to be a dick." I felt angry at hearing his story. His dad had no right to act that way.

"I know, trust me."

I put my head on his shoulder and laid one of my arms to his left side to form a hug. He seemed to relax a little at my gesture and I tightened the embrace to show him that I was there for him.

"I was forced from a young age to be the strong one for my mum and brother. Of course my mum also tried so hard to be a rock for us but I couldn't not help her. It was exhausting." He sighed again.

"You're such a good man." I honestly told him what I was thinking.

"I'm not as good as you think, Y/N. I can't be." He whispered the last sentence.

I kissed his lips adoringly as a response.

"Now that's our first date, we can't get sad, right?" I questioned upbeat.

"Oh, I forgot." He said and practically ran towards the car. When he came back, a pack of beers were in his hands.

"You trying to seduce me?" I jokingly asked as I was eyeing the drinks.

"We both know I don't need alcohol to do this." He winked. Damn, his attractive cockiness.

He opened the package and threw a beer towards me before taking one out for himself.

"Drink up, loser." I teased him.

"That's rude, Y/N." He widened his eyes and tried to look shocked. "By the way this impression is you when we were still in our disliking phase."

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