27. The Plan

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Ever since Hyunjin and I had our "situation", I couldn't stop thinking about it. I even considered texting him once to sort things out but then I realised there was nothing that needed sorting. He wanted to make out with someone and I was there. I wanted to be comforted and he was there.

I'm lying even to myself. The butterflies I felt when our lips touched, the way I felt heat rise inside me when his hands guided themselves all over my body, these aren't things you feel just for anyone. I was falling for Hyunjin and I couldn't even tell.

But it's not too late. I can still turn this around and stop my feelings from getting bigger. The last thing I want or need is to have to deal with a heartbeat caused by a rude jerk like him.

Because the only certain thing that comes from being around him is heartbreak.

"What's on your mind, hon?" Rosalind asked me while me and the girls were walking through the school hallways.

"Yes, Y/N, you seem off." Mads added.

"I'm okay." I replied but even I knew I didn't sound convincing at all.

Why does Hyunjin keep occupying my mind? I promised to myself I'd forget all about him quickly.

"Girls, I'm sorry to ruin the supportive atmosphere and everything but I really have to tell you something." Liz cut Rosalind off before the latter had a chance to question me again.

"Go on." I said strangely eagerly and felt relieved due to the change of subject.

"You all know Clary, right? Johnson's new sister-in-law?"

We all nodded.

"We are sitting together in chemistry class and currently project partners." She continued her story.

Project partners, huh? Sounds familiar.

"We've gotten really close and have discussed so many things in a relatively short period of time. She is so beautiful and we have plenty of things in common yet I find everything that she says excitingly unpredictable. Plus, she is into girls." She paused. "I think I have a big crush on her."

"A crush on Clary? That's unexpected. I mean, you've never told us about her." R spoke out first.

"I wanted to first make sure of my feelings. I hope you understand." Liz responded.

"That makes sense." Mads commented.

"So what will you do? Make a move? Wait for her to do hers?" I asked the most important thing.

"Actually, here's where I need your help, Y/N."

I think I know where this is going and I'm not sure I like it.

"As you already know, she mostly hangs out with Felix's friend group, in which there is nobody I am also friends with. But you, you are close with Felix and the only person I know that has had multiple interactions with them."

Rosalind shifted uncomfortably at her last words but she didn't notice.

"And what do you want me to do?" I asked. She really needs to learn how to not beat around the bush.

"I was wondering if you could make plans to hang out with them through Felix and then I could by complete chance hang out with you as well." Lizzie raised both her eyebrows indicatively.

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