Final Battle

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Finally, there's a final battle between son/daughter and parents. Apparently, both siblings wanted to find out about top secret from their parents.

Alexandra sighed. "Let's go find our parents before they start to plan on something."

Alex turned away. "Why did our parents even started this? I mean they could have just explained before they planned all of this for a final battle. This is stupid. I'm going to forfeit. I'm not going to help sister, you can do it yourself. What's the point in fighting when you don't even know their plans?"

Alexandra grabbed him with her. "I know the plan. You're just very behind. I'm also a spy. I learned it from dad, so you should know too since you have part gene of me."

Just then, both son and daughter arrived at their parents' hideout and started to sneak up on them.

They chained them up and they were just clones and they got captured since it was a trick to take them down.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here? Our lovely son and daughter. Are you trying to sneak up on us? That's not going to work silly childrens." Alex's parents laughed and locked them up.

Alex managed to free herself and deactivate their plan, but somehow she pressed the wrong side effects of the machine. "Try doing that to us, so called parents."

Alex was still stuck in the tube and she released him out to destroy our parents. "Beat that, parents. You don't want to lose us, right?"

They hesitated and relaxes their mind. "Alright. You win. We'll let you survive, but on one condition, get this for us and we will be watching you both and don't even think about switching the USB." They pointed at them intensely.

Both son and daughter looked at each other. "Sure, but on one thing. Carefully watch us as youth spies, mom and dad." Alexandra disappeared into thin air.

They both headed to get the USB and they switched it and went back to their parents.

When they got back, they handed them the USB and they left back to their home. "Watch out for our skills, morons." Alexandra complimented.

Their parents put in the USB and their lab exploded into pieces. They lost from some teenagers non humans beings.


So I barely didn't want to finish this, because I have a lot of homework to do these school days and I'm going to finish new journey so I can finish hope of glory on my old account.

Good luck. This is the last chapter of the story. Bye.


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