Heal Our Start-

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Natalie and Vitor were resting in bed, snuggling up to each other, when Pluto jumped on them.

"Nat! Vit! Wake up! Auntie wants us downstairs!" The twins groaned a little before Natalie shifted and ran a hand through Pluto's hair, which was a mess.

"Alright... Go meet us down there. We need to get dressed." Pluto gave a quick noise before vanishing. Natalie sighed as she snuggled up to Vitor's chest.

"Nat, you at least need to let me get up."

"Oh, fuck it."

He chuckled as they got up and quickly got dressed before joining their younger brother, who was working on getting his medical stuff on. Coatl purred against him as he finished and smiled at them.


He ran into the kitchen as the twins giggled at his energy. They went in as their aunt served breakfast. Then after it, they talked about the day. Pluto said he was going to join Theo on the professor's job offer. The twins were a little hesitant with it, but they didn't stop him. Natalie made sure his hair was more put together for the world and into a ponytail while Vitor made sure his bag and medical stuff was ready. Auntie was able to give him a gift from their father, which were some pretty good shoes for running in. He then went with Coatl to the professor's while the twins went to the side.

"So... how're we doing this?"

"Simple. Him and Theo will choose a starter, then we follow. I can feel it. We'll keep him safe, we just need to keep an eye and gather the link. This is our chance to show our plan to the world!"

Vitor smiled at that before they grabbed their stuff.


Seeing Pluto and Theo's first little fight was very adorable. Sadly, Pluto lost and resulted in the smaller boy tearing up. Theo paused before taking his arm and gently taking him to his place to recover. The twins smiled before entering the lab.

"Hello professor!" Seeing his face go pale at their synced voices was perfect. He gulped as he turned to the twins.

"Natalie! Vitor! What is it you need?" They smiled as Vitor stepped forward, nearing the older male.

"Just wondering if you have any pokemon to offer us. We saw Pluto's little buddy and got curious." The professor gulped.

"I... only have one pokemon left-"

"Oh that's fine." Natalie countered his fear of getting wrecked for not having what they needed. "We only need one to start. So if you could greatly hand that pokemon over, that would do." The professor's hand was able to navigate on its own to the sole pokeball on the table before he held it out.

"There! Just leave me alone!" Vitor took it gently before they smiled at him and left.

"So mean..."

"Nat, you broke his arm."

"Oops. Let's go check on Pluto."


Upon arriving at Theo's, they heard a soft set of noises before entering. Pluto was quietly resting against Theo to calm down while Cameron was talking about his journey, almost as if he was trying to show to them that they could handle their's. Nat smiled as she spoke, sorta cutting the father off.

"Sorry to barge in... but what got this speech going?" Pluto was a lot faster than Theo was even though the redhead was probably right.

"Theo beat me up!" Theo sighed as Pluto seemed to tear up. Seeing the redhead's distress, Vitor knelt down to him.

"And you're going to let him?" Pluto paused as Vitor wiped his teared up face. "You gotta get stronger and beat him later. Show him who's boss. Right, Mr. Cameron?" Cameron nodded.

"Yep! My rival constantly beat me down. But then one day, after a lot of work and stuff, I was able to beat him. You gotta do the same." Pluto paused as Vitor finished cleaning his face.

"So what I want you to do is get back out there and really show the world who you're made of, ok?" Pluto paused before he nodded and got to his feet, Coatl instantly at his side.

"Ok!" He was then out the door as they giggled. Theo gulped.

"I... better catch up. Don't want him to get too hurt..." Then he was gone as well. Vitor sighed as Cameron gulped.

"Please tell me you two will be watching over them when they're out there..." Natalie smiled.

"Of course! We won't let them get hurt!" She then smiled at her twin. "We best get going as well." He nodded as they went out.

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