Bad Timing-

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Twice they were evacuated. Once in Bealbeach and again in Vinoville. The trio sorta settled in Leged Town before they finally collided with Vitor.

"Shadow Ball!"

The attacks were quick to damage the incoming Nuclear Pokemon before they could do anything. Kellyn called out.

"Vitor!" The child didn't hear as he called out to the starter.

"Hydro Pump!"

The Water Type fired and tore many of the Nuclear Pokemon down. Kellyn slowly approached the male twin, hoping he wasn't mad at the world, while Vitor pulled out a pen and wrote something on a notebook. Natalie's eyes touched his hair as something twitched in it. She was able to alert Kellyn to not grab his attention before the younger male chopped his head off. Sadly, they were caught.

"Sis..." She let out an accurate hiss before the group of four backed up. "What did I say?"

"You decided to show up! Not my problem!" She couldn't get above a hiss. Her heart ached as she eyed her brother. She hated this separation as it also restrained her. He sent a glance back before huffing. Kellyn frowned as he shared a look with the younger males.

"Twins..." Natalie felt a heated urge that she was forced to hold back when Vitor let a growl out. That's when Pluto pulled them out of their little standoff. His starter suddenly fired at a group of Nuclear Pokemon ready to jump them. The group turned to him as he gulped.

"We can worry about this later! Onward!" The others nodded as they followed him into the front lines.


Vitor got caught up in the fight, and with how close their bond was, he didn't realize that they were fighting together until after the final hit.


The two attacks finished the remainder of the Nuclear Pokemon before he paused.

"Wait..." She stayed quiet as she returned Geigroach and let out a groan.

"Too easy..." Vitor then, after figuring out what had just happened, immediately moved away and hissed.

"I told you to leave me alone and stay away!"

"I don't remember the stay away part being in here, but we're synced twins. It was bound to happen. Don't start freaking out about it." She noted that the other boys were busy talking about something. So while they were busy not looking and she knew her twin was still angry, she did a few moves and quickly got onto her brother's back. She laid a quick breath on his ear, gaining a red face as she whispered rather darkly. "Besides, we know that desperate measures must come together at some point."

"Nat..." His legs shook before a growl filled the air. Oh come on. He pushed her off before the group looked towards the sound. She then muttered into his ear.

"I deserve something for this."

"For what exactly?"

"Having to deal with you." He sent a side glance at her. She frowned. "Fine... for having to deal with Dad without you."

"You know what..." She caught him shifting uncomfortably. "Since you started it, I'll allow it."

"Aw... then deal. Now then, let's do this."

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