What You Should Fear-

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Vitor stayed with Kellyn since he was still not doing well while the other three went to the league.

"God, that was annoying..." She slumped in a chair as the two boys dropped beside her. Natalie smiled as the duo cuddled up with each other and fell asleep. "Rest up you two... you have a long set of fights to achieve."


Vitor, meanwhile, had uncovered something while staying behind. He gently took steady breaths as he scanned over some notes. He had already made a cure for the Nuclear pokemon and was still at work with more.

"Wait..." He breathed out as he looked at a certain note. "This... this..." Brittany went over as Kellyn looked over worriedly.

"What's wrong?" Vitor gulped as he pointed at something.

"CURIE is the suit. And it says here... only one person had access to the suit other than the tech team." She paused.

"Lu-i-e..." She frowned. "I don't understand..." He gulped as he grabbed a spare piece of paper and wrote something down. Then he put it near the name.

"Try again." She paused before it hit her.

"Oh-" Kellyn went over and gulped.

"Should I be concerned?" Vitor gulped.

"I found mum..." He whispered as he stared at the two papers. On the spare paper, it read 'Lucille'. "And if I'm right, she's been right under our noses for 10 years and this whole journey."


Theo and Pluto put up quite a fight in the championship. They were about to clash when Nuclear Pokemon attacked. Natalie raced out and was fairly quick with her damage.

"Geigroach! Electruxo!"

The two pokemon were out and clearing the field in seconds. Kellyn and Vitor joined them almost instantly after.

"What happened?" Theo and Pluto instantly went to the ranger as Vitor pulled out a pokeball and device.

"The radiation is very extreme... Urayne must be here somewhere..." He gulped as he looked around. "But where...?" A chuckle filled the air as they turned to see the Nuclear enemy.

"Well... well... well..." CURIE hissed before turning to the rather large Legendary. "Urayne... Deal with them." Natalie hesitated. If that thing hit them- Vitor raced forward as a pokeball popped open.

"Dunseraph! Sky Fall!"

The large pokemon appeared and quickly showed how much bigger it was compared to the Nuclear Legendary. The others froze before it raced into the sky and then followed it up by racing back down and slamming its full weight into Urayne. Vitor gasped a little as the kit kicked into gear and he got to where CURIE was standing. He called out another attack as he pulled something out of his bag.

"Dragon Breath!"

The move clashed with one of Urayne's blasts as Vitor swung a knife at CURIE, hoping to hit the clip keeping the helmet on. He was far from successful, but he did get an alerted sound. He smiled as he swung again. His sister would be way better at this, which is why he was hoping she took note of his actions to go help. It took time, but he felt the knife get taken from his hand before it nearly scraped the clip. He smiled at his twin, who gave him the same smile, before he called out.

"Sky Fall!"

Dunseraph raced up before racing back down and slamming into the Legendary. The others had gotten to a safer area while the twins let the damage fill the air. Natalie got back-to-back with him and hummed.

"What exactly was the target?" He hummed.

"There's a clip holding that helmet in place. If you can get that unclipped, we can unmask this foe. Meanwhile, I'm going to finish the threat." She placed a pokeball in his hand.

"Have some assistance." He smiled as he raced out to the battlefield and sent the starter out.

"Thunderbolt! Dragon Breath!"

The two attacks slammed into Urayne's attack before a yelp escaped CURIE. Natalie had hit the clip. Vitor instantly shouted.

"Finish it!" The two pokemon cried out before sending their strongest attacks at the legendary, finishing the battle. Everything went dark for Vitor after that.



He slowly opened his eyes as Natalie cried over him, their foreheads touching. He felt a tear touch his cheek before he spoke.

"Nat..." Their eyes met as she gasped.

"VITOR!" She hugged him as he smiled at the sky.

"I'm... here... thank you..." She nodded against his shoulder before he paused. "Oh... CURIE... did you unmask them?"

"Not yet..." She whispered. "Pluto went to do that... I came to you..." Vitor smiled.

"Nat... can you please turn on the kit..." He gasped at the sudden surge. She timed that well. His hand, once energy got to it, was able to reach up and wrap around her. Pluto's voice finally touched the air. It must've taken a while for him to get there with his disabilities.


Natalie snapped up at the tone of his voice. She instantly helped Vitor onto her back as Pluto backed into Theo's embrace, who looked back with a face of sheer shock. Natalie was confused, but it all made sense to Vitor. He had figured it out.

"What's wrong?"

Kellyn and Cameron joined them as they got to the younger duo's side. Everyone fell silent at the face that was revealed. Vitor was able to get off of Natalie's back and grip Theo's shoulder before the female twin and Kellyn got to Lucille's side. Pluto gulped.

"I... I don't get it..." Vitor gulped.

"Ma had gone into Urayne's Stasis Tank just before the Nuclear Plant went down. She stayed there for 10 years until you went in there, Pluto, and turned that computer on. Who knows how long she would've been in there if you didn't go in there." Cameron paused.

"How'd you find that out?" Vitor glanced at him.

"It took a while, but once you start looking around, you'll find little bits of files that you can piece together and get the answer. CURIE is actually the suit, not the person. And only one person had access to the suit." Cameron fell silent as Vitor paused. "She made a choice. Get to safety, get with her family and lose a friend that she bonded with in that place... or sacrifice it all to stay with that friend."

They were quiet as Kellyn was torn apart and he latched onto the resting female. He finally went over and hugged his father, causing him to let go to have Natalie pick the mother up. He whispered weakly into his ear.

"Papa... let's go home..." Tears stung his eyes as he purred against the ranger's neck. "Please..."

Kellyn finally moved, moving the male twin into a hug and picking him up. No noise escaped either of them as Pluto went over and gripped Kellyn's shirt and tugged on it, giving him the idea to follow. The group left, hoping to fix everyone up.

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