Part 4

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Pov: Russia

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, getting replace! I could understand UN's point though, we never get along and are driving the poor dude nuts, but replacing all us countries seems too extreme. I look at America and he was looking down, he looked pretty sad. I Pat his back then we both get up from where we were hiding when UN an EU left. They went to up some stairs and locked the door. Are only way to escape was now gone and we are trapped here in this lab, basement, What ever it is.

"Ah fuck guess we are trapped here until they come back"

America looked at me and his eyes widen.
"I cant stay, I need to go see my father, he's expecting me. If I don't meet him im dead meat"

"I'm pretty sure britain wouldn't even notice or care if you missed one thing"
"No Russia you don't understand-"
"Let me guess you can't tell me"
" i can't"

It was quiet and before I could say anything America broke the silence.
"Aye uh since we are here why don't we explore a bit maybe find another exit or something to eat haha"

Of course America is thinking about food, everytime I see him he's always stuff his face. I sigh and just agree. As we walk around until we found an empty room with a bed, sink, shower and toilet.

"I guess we have a place to sleep now. I CALL THE BED!" America jumped on the bed and looked at me sticking by his tongue out. I rolled my eyes and just picked up one of the blankets on the bed and pillow.

"If you get the bed the I get the pillow and blanket"

America covered himself with the bed sheet and we both decided it was best to try and sleep. I looked at the clock that was in the room it was almost 9:59 pm, and as soon as it hit 10 all the lights in the lab went off. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

(the next day)
It's now 9 am and the lights to the lab went on.

Pov america

I woke up from the Bright lights flashing down on my face. Russia was still sleeping surprisingly, I looked around and found a clock on the wall that said it was 9 am. Damn we have been gone for a full day I wonder if anyone is trying to find us. I decided to leave the room we were sleeping at and looked for maybe somewhere to eat. I was starving I didn't eat all day yesterday. I enter some rooms one seemed to be UNs office which has a fridge. I open it and find only snacks and some water bottles I picked up as much as I could and brought it to Russia. By the time I came back Russia was barley getting up.

"Hey Russia look what I found" as I dropped the bag of snacks and water.

"Wow thanks uh where was this stuff" Russia said opening up a bag of apple slices.

"I found it in I believe UNs office, there was a fridge maybe we can try and find a kitchen or something"
"I don't think there will be a kitchen in a lab" Russia said.

I sighed knowing what he said was true. I just hope we can get out of this place soon, I want to see Canada. I ate the bag of pretzels thinking, do I even want to go back when father sees me, I'll just end up getting punished even though it wasn't my fault. Should I tell Russia? What if he can help me, no he is still my enemy, or is he-

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