Part 6

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"How did u two get in here"

The voice sent shivers down both Russia and America's spine. UN had found out, and it was to late to lie and pretend they didn't see the whole lab or that they found out his secret. UN grabbed both of them and through them In a cell.

"I cant have you two ruining my way to world peace"

The door shut and they were both trapped in a cell knowing their chances to escape were now even smaller.

Pov Canada
I waited for America to get home, and he didn't show up. Father was angry for America, worried just like me.

"Dad where is America is 10 pm the meeting ended at 5?"
"I don't know son but you know how he is probably getting himself in some trouble"

  I wanted to believe that very much but he would always text me. When he was younger he would always text me before he left the house. He never liked it here for some reason, all I remember was him and father would always be arguing over something, but when I would walk into the room they'd go quiet. I was texting America over and over but still no response. Maybe his phone died I thought but no matter what I thought, I felt like something was wrong.

*next day America was still not home*

I hurry to his room, and he wasn't there. I panic and before I could do anything I get a call from Ukraine. I answer and she says in a worried tone "hey Canada I know ur brother and mine had a project together- and Well he didn't come home last night which was weird so I'd thought maybe to call you. Was he there with America? "

Russia was missing too? That's weird, those two hate each other why would they be together somewhere. I tell Ukraine about America and we both decide to meet up with some friends to help our brothers. We all meet up at a cafe with Japan and Germany with us. So far we had nothing to go about besides Russia and America were partners for a project and didn't show up last night.

"Guys I just remembered something, didn't they have to stay after? We need to go ask UN maybe he knows about them since he was the last person with them"

Everyone agreed with me and we walked to the where we all meet up for world meetings. We call UN to come and see us.

Japan)"oh come on why is he taking so long he said he was on his way"

Germany)"well it is a big building just wait, but something doesn't seem right. Why would América and Russia go missing were they kidnapped? Did they run away together-"

Japan)" GASP enemy's to lover?!?"

Ukraine) "JAPAN NO! My brother would never fall in love with America he always talks about how much he hates the dude"

Canada) "ya America always talks about Russia too. I don't even know why they hated each other, it's been going on apparently before I was born or something"

[America is older then Canada in this story btw]

Japan) "you guys don't know?"

Canada and Ukraine) "don't know what?"

Japan) "America and Russia used to be friends when they were little but for some reason they stopped. That's when a lot of things changed-"

It was quiet, but as I was about to say something UN opens the door and lets us in. The afternoon was wasted of asking questions that led to no where. I was growing frustrated, and started to get angry. I know my brother and he would NEVER do this without tell me he knows i worry about him. I look at UN and I swore I could see a bit of worry in his expression. I didn't know if it was just my eyes trying to give me some hope from this pointless conversation. We finish and everyone leaves, but I cant stop thinking about UNs expression. Me and Ukraine say our goodbyes and we all leave.

[Day 1 of America and Russia missing]

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