Chapter 1 - Prologue

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The boy Alex, who Stiles and Scott rescued, had vanished, just like his parents. Stiles and Scott looked around the boys house to see if they could find anything, anything to suggest where they were, but the house was empty. It was like they never existed.

Stiles saw one of the Ghost Riders as he was in the house. It tried to shoot him, but Stiles got away, but somehow he knew they would be coming for him.


Stiles was running down the corridor of the school when he bumped into Liam, Hayden and Mason.

"Mason, Liam, Hayden, you guys have to listen to me right now. Alex is gone just like his parents, the Ghost Riders took him so you guys can't be alone, you need to stay with Scott, or with me because I can see them."

Liam, Hayden and Mason were looking at Stiles confused.

"Why are you looking at me like that?." Stiles asked.

Stiles heard Hayden whisper to Liam. "Do we even know him?." Liam shrugged his shoulders.

"Do you go to this school?." Mason asked.

"What's your name?." Liam asked.

Stiles then had a flashback of the boy walking down the corridor wearing a lacrosse Jersey with his number on.

Stiles looked over Liams shoulder and saw his dad. He pushed past him and ran to him.

"Son, are you okay?." The sheriff asked as stiles almost barrelled into him.

"Oh thank god, thank god." Stiles said as he hugged his father.

"Everyone's forgetting, everyone is forgetting everything, and I'm......"

"Okay, slow down, we will figure it out together, okay."

"Okay." Stiles replied.

"Now, why don't you tell me your name."

Stiles looked at his dad, hurt, sad, confused. His dad didn't know him. He stepped back from his father, turned around and walked away. Everyone was forgetting him.


Stiles rang Scott.

Stiles: Scott, Scott.

Scott: Hello

Stiles: Scott, where are you? Where are you right now?"

Scott:  Who is this?."

Scott had also forgotten him.
'It's me, I'm next'
Stiles said to himself out loud.

Stiles ran outside, feeling a panic attack coming on.

"Stiles." Lydia shouted.

"Lydia, you know me, thank god you know me."

"I know you." Lydia said. "But I think everyone is forgetting."

Before Stiles could say anything the wind picked up and the leaves were flowing fast in front of them.

Then he heard the sound of horses neighing.

"Do you see him?." Stiles asked.

Lydia looked all around her. "See what?."

"The guy on the horse."

"Stiles, if you can see them, then there gonna......"

"I know, I know they're coming for me, so you have to get away from me okay."

"I'm not leaving you." Lydia said.

"Right okay, come on." Stiles said as he pulled Lydia. "This way."

As they were running, Stiles spotted another Ghost Rider. He turned and pulled Lydia in another direction, but they were surrounded.

"They're everywhere." Stiles gasped out of breath. "Come on." he pulled Lydia again. "Don't look at them okay, don't try to scream, they will take you too." Stiles shouted. "Just don't look at them."

They made it to Stiles jeep. When they both got in, Stiles fumbled with the keys in the ignition, when he finally got the key in, he looked up to see a Ghost Rider directly in front of them. The jeep was surrounded.

"What are you doing?." Lydia asked as Stiles took the key out of the ignition. "You could go."

"There's no time. I will be erased okay, just like Alex, you're going to forget me."

"I won't, I won't I promise." Lydia cried.

"You will."

Lydia shook her head.

"Lydia, find some way to remember me okay."

"Rememeber our time in sophomore year, and junior year. Remember you saved my life."

"You saved mine too."

"Just remember....... Remember me Lydia."

Stiles was then pulled out of his jeep, leaving Lydia all alone chanting

"Remember, remember, remember"

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