Talk and Run

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Heat stung Care's eyes. She had prepared herself for being told her friend was dead. She'd gotten used to the worst. But for the worst to happen to Gregory....

At least she knew for sure. Maybe when she left she could try to spread the word and get the PizzaPlex and its evil shut down for good.

Hm. 'Spread the word...' "Freddy? If you know about what's happening, why haven't you left and told people about it?"

Freddy pulled away from the hug. He seemed surprised. He looked at Care, then his eyes dropped to the side. Another message blipped into the watch.

"I cannot leave."


"I am not allowed."

"Says who?"

"Care, it is not so simple."

"Why though? What's stopping you from leaving? And don't say it's a locked door because I've seen what you do with those."

Freddy's jaw opened, then shut. He shook his head.

Care crossed her arms. Why wasn't he answering? Why did he seem so flustered? Care huffed and grabbed his hand, "Come on, then, we'll leave and tell people together!"

Freddy was either too stunned to say no, or he thought it was a good idea, since he didn't try to fight Care. He stood up and kept pace as she dragged him out of the room and back toward the door she first came through. Freddy sent another message to the watch, but Care ignored it, "Just come on, we'll get out and stop whatever's happening here."

Another message, again ignored. Care tossed a glance at the ceiling, "At least the lights are back on," she muttered. She found the door and tried the handle. "Locked. Why am I surprised?" She glanced at Freddy, "Well don't be shy, you can bust it down, right?"

But Freddy wasn't looking at her. He stood very still, staring down the hallway. Care looked in the same direction and spotted another animatronic. It was far away, but she could make out a broken, light purple body, a mangled tail, and long hair. "Is that Roxy?"

Freddy sent a message. This time, Care checked it.

"I have tried to leave. It keeps me here." "It now knows you are here and will not let you leave." "Please, be quiet. She is blind, but can hear everything."

Care lowered the watch and held still. Maybe she should listen to Freddy. After all, he knew this place. She didn't. Her opinion on leaving remained the same, however. She still thought Freddy hadn't actually tried to leave and was just making things up. After all, she got in easy enough and no one had seen her, so why would it be so hard to leave?

The most complicated thing would probably be getting people to believe her.... Meh, she'd worry about that later.

The watch blipped. "I will open the door. Get ready to run."

Care glanced between the prowling Roxy, and Freddy. She nodded.

Freddy lifted his hand. Care braced herself. Freddy's hand slammed into the door with a loud crash, bending the metal and opening the door.

Roxy let out a sharp roar and started running for them.

Care bolted through the door and started down the stairs, jumping as many as she could. She didn't hear Freddy behind her. Maybe he was making sure Roxy didn't follow?

No matter, she was almost back to where she came in. This door, thankfully, was unlocked, letting her into the cluttered room. She spotted the window and stepped closer, only to realize the board she'd kicked in and been put back and metal beams were criss-crossed over it.

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