Dead Warmth

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Freddy was glad no STAFF had found Care. She had a close call before wisely hiding in the recharge tube, whether she knew it was a good hiding spot or not.

Freddy had stayed a respectful distance from the tube until Care clicked the call button. Only then did he make his presence known.

The bear glanced down at the child walking beside him. Her hand was so small in his. He couldn't help but notice her other, bruised hand.

"Are you in pain? Your hand..."

"Gregory first," said Care in a low voice, "I can wait."

Freddy's mouth opened, but decided not to oppose.

The two descended a few flights of stairs and ended up at the door to the kitchen.

Freddy didn't need to see through walls to tell Chica was inside. The chicken was making a riot of noise, clattering pots and pans and shoving tables around.

"What is that?" Care asked.

Freddy's hold on her hand tightened, "It is Chica. She is easily distracted, but if she sees us, she will pursue. The room we are going to is on the other side of the kitchen. We will need to be quiet and careful."

Care chuckled, "That shouldn't be a problem for you. Lead the way."

Freddy eased the door open. Chica currently had her head shoved into a pile of trash, barely using her hands as she devoured whatever was small enough to fit in her beak.

Freddy made a face. He never understood why Chica kept trying to eat. She couldn't even properly do so; whatever she put in her mouth ended up on the floor again because she didn't have a stomach.

Maybe it had something to do with a bug in her base code. Or... perhaps it was the purple glitch.

No matter, that wasn't important right now. Freddy turned his focus to the disguised door. He crouched and glided forward, careful to not outpace Care.

Step by step they came closer to the door. Chica remained completely distracted.

Then an awful, familiar screech blared through the speakers. The glitch didn't affect Freddy anymore, not since Gregory's spirit had firewalled his system. Chica however, didn't have that protection.

Her body shuddered as if strings took hold of her limbs.

Freddy abandoned stealth. "Run!"

Care bolted forward, Freddy right behind. She reached the door and whirled around, "Where now?"

Freddy threw a table in Chica's path, tripping her and buying some time. He dug his fingers into a fake panel and tugged. Thankfully, the door opened.

Care slipped through easily, but Freddy was not as nimble and the door was heavy. He pulled hard, forcing the stubborn hinges open until the gap was big enough for him to slip through.

Chica grabbed his arm. Freddy grabbed her face. A quick swing and he slammed Chica's head into the wall. Freddy cringed at the new crack he caused in her plating, but it made her let go.

Freddy started pulling the door shut. Just as the seam sealed, Chica let out a scream. Freddy recoiled, fighting through the onslaught of static in his head to keep the door shut.

He took a knee and rubbed at his head.

"Are you okay?" he heard Care ask. "What'd she do to you?"

The static cleared. Freddy shook his head and glanced at the firmly closed door, "I am alright. It is an upgrade Chica received. It is supposed to be a more resilient voice box that will not burn out, but it can also be used to create a vocal pitch capable of stunning animatronics."

"Huh." Care had her flashlight out and swept the beam over the small, bare room.

Freddy found a light switch. A single bulb blinked to life. Cold light illuminated the empty, dusty walls. A thin layer of dust coated the floor. The only thing in the room was a large oven set into the far wall. A sign on it read "WARNING: INDUSTRIAL HEATING UNIT PRESENT. USE WITH CAUTION."

"That's not a pizza oven, is it," said Care.

Freddy sighed, "No. It is not."

Care tiptoed toward the riveted metal. "Why is there a cremation thing in the mall?"

"The best I can assume is that this is how Vanny got rid of the other victims," Freddy responded, his chest tightening with each word. This place, his home, it was nothing but a front for the most horrid of crimes. Blood had been mercilessly spilt while people admired the neon lights and lost themselves in loud music.

Freddy's hands curled. It was so unfair! Ten children had been lost to the PizzaPlex's murderer, and he never noticed. Even the one child he did notice, he couldn't keep safe. The one he tried to help still died, taken by that... purple man and his white-clad follower, while the glitch took Freddy's friends, his family! Roxy, Chica, Monty, maybe even Bonnie... his brothers and sisters, reduced to nothing but brain-dead husks.

"Freddy? You're shaking."

He looked at Care.

He had another chance. He could keep this one safe. He knew what the glitch wanted, and how to hide from it.

He needed to keep her safe. No more children would be lost.

Freddy approached the oven. The door opened with a quick tug. A shelf slid outward.

Care stood on the other side, looking at Freddy expectantly.

Freddy lifted a hand to his hatch, "If you... wish to hold your breath, I will not blame you."

"Just-..." Care waved her hand.

If a robot could be on the verge of tears, Freddy was certain he would be. He opened his hatch and reached inside, taking immense care to lift the corpse without damaging it.

Care took a step back and lifted a hand to her nose.

Freddy laid Gregory's body on the slab. He didn't realize how much it had decayed. Aside from the clothes, there wasn't much he recognized of the boy. He slid the shelf into the dark tunnel of the oven and closed the door. His hand shook as he reached for the button to turn it on.

Care laid her hand on his. The two shared a look, a silent, mutual understanding.

They pressed the button together. The machine hummed to life.

Care's breath hitched. Her face pinched as she tried to hold back tears. She lifted a hand to her face as she turned her back to the oven, sliding down it until she sat on the floor.

Freddy sat beside her. He offered his hand. Care took his arm, hugging him as she broke down. Freddy gently lifted his arm out of her grasp, wrapping it around her and holding her against his chest. Her head laid on his shoulder as she curled closer.

Care's cries echoed around the small room as the oven warmed the air. 

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