sadness: aka what happened to Bonnie

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Bonnie sat on the back of Freddy's couch, one foot up on the armrest to support the bass in his lap, the other leg dangling over the side. He plucked the instrument absentmindedly as he waited for Freddy to get back from Parts and Services.

Eventually the door slid open and Freddy stepped inside. He spotted Bonnie and immediately shook his head, "Bonnie, must you insist on never using furniture properly?"

Bonnie rapped his fingers on his bass, "Yup."

Freddy merely rolled his eyes and sat in front of his vanity, "The show today went quite well, I think."

"Mhmm. Did you notice that one kid screaming so loud-"

"His face turned red? Yes, I noticed!"

Bonnie tossed his head back, "Redder than Foxy's tail, hahah!"

A voice echoed through the mall, announcing closing time. Bonnie sighed at the voice, "I don't like that voice. It's too... I dunno. I don't like it. It sounds like it's seen a building burn down."

"That is... strangely specific," said Freddy with a raised eyebrow. "I saw Monty earlier today. He is getting along quite well with the kids, especially the ones who play tag with him."

Bonnie chuckled, "Big man should be in the daycare. Stars know Sun could use the help."

"A place like the daycare is rather..."

"Oh yeah," Bonnie cringed, "loud, really bright, all the attention, kids even more hyper on those candies that are somehow legal. Gator wouldn't like it."

"He would not."

Silence fell. Freddy's ears twitched. Usually Bonnie would always have something to say, but he seemed distracted tonight. The rabbit plucked at his guitar again and Freddy decided to inspect his reflection. Distant music leaked through the seams of the greenroom's soundproof walls. The clock ticked on, and still Bonnie played in silence.

"Is something bothering you, Bonnie?" Freddy finally asked.

The rabbit didn't move, "Just... thinking, I guess. Been a big day."

Midnight echoed through the mall as the building closed down for the night. Bonnie abruptly stood and aimed for the door, "Night, Fred."

"Where are you going?"

"Room. I got some things to do," Bonnie said, reaching for the door's button.


He stopped.

"You know you are not responsible for finding those children."

Bonnie sighed, "I know, I'm just... I'm close to something, Fred. I'm not sure exactly to what, but I'm close."

"And what if what you are getting close to will get you hurt? I have heard the people suspect someone is killing those children, Bonnie! What if whoever is doing it finds out you are on their trail and does the same to you?"

The rabbit's ears drooped under Freddy's raised tone, "I won't get in over my head this time. Promise."

"I am serious, Bonnie," Freddy scowled, "For this to be happening again, I... I do not want to lose a brother again."

Bonnie's ear perked as his head tilted, "Again? Since when have we ever been apart, you silly old bear?" he chuckled and reached to fist bump Freddy's shoulder, but the bear moved out of reach, his eyes sparking with a quelled inner fire and strangely distant.

"Fred, look. I'm not worried because I know you'll be there! Someone comes at me with a crowbar, smashes my face off, and locks me in some closet, I know you're gonna come for me!"

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