Bridges Are Burning

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Care glared Freddy down from the other side of the glass. "That doesn't explain why you just... kept him."

Freddy's gaze fell as an immaterial weight descended. "I... do not know. I thought, maybe... he would wake up, that he is still alive. He is, in a way, but... not. I-... I am clinging to a false hope." He looked back to Care, "Please, Care. I need help."

Care's face was flushed and tears gathered in her eyes. Her lip trembled. She clenched her eyes shut and shook her head as a sob fought its way out. She swallowed it and glared at Freddy again, "You take care of him, first. Holding on to him, it-... it's disgusting. Promise me you'll properly bury o-or burn his body."

"I promise," Freddy nodded. He knew Care was right. It was disrespectful to keep Gregory's body. He needed to start accepting the reality of Gregory's death.

At least, he needed to start being a little more okay with it.

Care's voice, low and cracking, broke through Freddy's thoughts, "Tell me what to do."

"Ah," Freddy glanced at the machine still holding on to his head, "You will need to finish the procedure in order for the machine to release me."

Care's expression turned blank and empty. "Okay."

She stepped up to the cylinder and lifted her shirt over her nose. The door opened. She held her breath and closed Freddy's hatch before reaching for the tablet of buttons.

"Match the pattern to begin diagnostic," instructed the voice.

Care did as it said and the machine finally released its grip. Freddy stood up. He stepped out of the cylinder and watched Care shut down the computer. He reached for her, "Thank you-."

She moved out of reach. "You promised. Get on with it."

Freddy winced. He backed away from Care with a small "Alright."

He began combing through his options. There was nowhere to bury the body, not in the ground, at least. The best option was cremation. He did recall seeing a rather oddly shaped oven in a bricked off area of the kitchen. It was marked as some kind of industrial pizza oven, but it could generate vastly more heat, and the white ash in the bottom of it didn't seem like burnt food.

Freddy spoke softly, "I know where we can go. We will need to be careful."

Care's jaw clenched and she turned her head away.

"If you do not wish to come..."

"I do," Care snapped, "Just go. Take me there."

A coil of guilt tightened around Freddy's circuits. "A-alright. Uhm... follow me, then." He started for the doors, Care keeping pace behind him. A waypoint blinked into Freddy's HUD, guiding him to the kitchen. The static at the corners of his vision reminded him that he needed more repairs.

But those could wait. He had to do this. He needed to do this, for Care, for Gregory, and for himself. He quietly walked through the hall, Care a step behind him.

"... c'se of you," Care mumbled.

Freddy turned his head, "What was that?"

"I said this is because of you!" Care snapped. Freddy flinched at her volume, "What do you mean?"

Care dug her palms into her eyes, "He was obsessed with you! All he ever wanted was to see you! Then he got it in his head to be all high and mighty and be the hero to find out what was making people disappear, and you didn't help him!" she shoved Freddy in the stomach, catching him off-balance and making him fall against the wall.

Freddy caught himself, leaning against the wall with one foot bent under him and the other propping himself up, "Care, please, I did not-"

"You let him die!" she screamed, "You sent him away and didn't make sure he was safe! You didn't stop that thing from killing him when you knew it could! This is your fault!"

Care threw her fist into Freddy's chest. Her fingers bent awkwardly and she recoiled with a cry of pain and anger.

Freddy tried to reach for her, "Care-!"

"You're not killing me too!" she shrieked, "Stay away from me!" She turned and fled into the dark halls.

"Care! Wait!" Freddy stood up, "Do not leave! It is not safe!"

Freddy's shoulders sagged. He could easily track Care's movement, so he wasn't concerned about her getting lost, but if he did not follow, he could lose her... permanently.

He couldn't let that happen. Not again. Not when he could help it.

He kept his distance and followed Care through the dark. 

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