Return And Repair

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Before they went around fighting a glitched army, Care insisted Freddy take a bath. Freddy explained that the amount of water in a bath would fry his circuitry.

Care glared at him. "You know what I mean. You stink. Literally, you stink. Really bad. Also there's still like, everything wrong with you, so we're going back to that big operating chair and I'm gonna put you back together."

Something twinged in Freddy when she said that. 'Put you back together.' He felt like he'd heard someone else say that before. It brought a deep sense of dread. Why he would be afraid of someone offering to fix him, he couldn't fathom. Though he often felt a similar dread in his dreams.

All of the animatronics dreamed, but Freddy realized his dreams were... different. His friends got simple replays of past memories, like a rewound tape. His dreams were of things he'd never seen before. At least... nothing he remembered. But they felt so real! Like he was really there!

Sometimes in his dreams he would sit behind a desk, listening to a phone ring while gaping voids of darkness and terror hovered just beyond the doors to either side of him. He'd see past versions of himself, singing, stalking, and... biting something bloody. Sometimes he would be in a mask of his own head while a music box played in the background.

Once he went a whole week seeing vague purple shapes accompanied with harsh words and physical pain. Then there was the recurring nightmare of not being able to move while something gouged through him, scooping out organs he shouldn't possess as something with a lot of eyes looked on.

He dreamed of fire quite often. If he had less restraint, he probably would have burned down the mall by now.


"Hm?" He turned around. Care had stopped in the middle of the hallway. She pointed up.

Freddy looked in the same direction. His eyes let him see Monty in the vents, the gator's head swinging from side to side as he scanned for sounds.

The two stayed still. Eventually Monty scrabbled away, his snarls echoing through the pipes.

Care planted her hands on her hips, "What the heck, man? You spaced out and didn't hear me!"

Freddy cringed, "I am sorry, I... was thinking."

"Well get your head on straight, buddy. You've gotta keep me alive in this place and you're the one with super senses."

"I know. I will."

"Yeah, let's go," Care sighed and pressed on, brushing past Freddy.

The bear shook his head. He needed to focus. No daydreaming when danger was around every corner. He checked the vents again.

Monty hadn't left. He was hovering over a ceiling grate, claws at the ready to grab Care as soon as she passed underneath!

"Care! Above you!" Freddy rushed forward and batted Monty out of the air as he dropped out of the vent.

Care yelped, losing her balance and scooting against the wall.

Freddy wrestled with the purple-eyed gator. Monty kept trying to claw Care, who pressed herself farther against the wall. "Freddy, do something!"

"I am... trying!" Freddy grunted as he ended up on his side, clutching Monty in a headlock. The gator screeched and snarled and snapped, his claws scoring whatever they could reach.

"Monty!" Freddy tried, "Monty, I know you are in there! How do I help you?"

"D I E !" the gator howled. He lurched, almost breaking out of Freddy's grasp. Freddy caught him and dragged the both of them to the opposite wall from Care. He now sat against the wall with a murderous purple-eyed alligator locked in his arms.

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