The End. er... its outline, at least

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Recovering the other animatronics

The now trio heads off to look for the others

Moment where Care stays with Monty and ends up needing to get inside him

They decide to go after the building's internet connection so the glitches can't keep affecting them through the speakers and computers. This would knock out locators and comms, however, so it is two-edged.

Big area with a catwalk next to servers suspended over a drop; control panel in a small shack on the other end.

Surprise, the room is stuffed with STAFF. Freddy is closest to the controls so he leaves Care with Monty and successfully shuts down the network.

It doesn't stop the STAFF and endos, who dislodge a truss and send it down toward the catwalk.

Monty hastily stuffs Care into his chest and makes a jump for it, barely making it but getting caught by the tress which rips a gash through his shoulder blade.

He slides down a bit and thinks about climbing back up but too many endos, so he jumps down, sliding along the tress that's broken through the floor into a lower room. Hops off and rolls to a stop in some kind of dark room / maintenance tunnel.

There are still bots after him so he runs off and takes refuge in a recharge tube which masks his presence.

There's some old Bonnie merch down there; a falling cutout makes him jump and cower, and the sight of the stuff makes him Feel Things

He finds an old map which thankfully leads to an elevator shaft he starts climbing (with some difficulty).

They end up close to where the servers are and head back that way, figuring Freddy might either be trying to get down or is fighting bots. Turns out he was fighting but fled and is coming back their direction, bringing more STAFF with him.

Monty fights off STAFF bots who keep prying at his chest; he needs help from Freddy

They retreated to a security office and Freddy glanced at Monty. "Are you alright?"
"Huh?" hummed Monty, distracted.
"Are you alright?"
Monty waved a dismissive hand, "Yeah, I'm fine," he glanced down and lifted a hand to his stomach.
"Then let us go."
Monty's head snapped up, "Whoah, what?!" he grabbed Freddy's arm before he could open the door, "Not a chance! We gotta stay here until the heat dies down."
"I am not remaining here while Care is still out there."
Monty kept a grip, "Fazbear..."
Freddy yanked his arm away, "Do not 'Fazbear' me, Monty-,"
"I've got-!"
"Not when Care could still be in danger!" He turned for the door again.
"What!?" he snapped.
Monty lifted his hands. "I've got her." His stomach hatch opened. Care waved from inside, "Hi."

Care berates Freddy for not trusting Monty, "He knows what he's doing, y'know."

Care grabs a STAFF controller

Monty is injured from the fight but plays it down

They sleep bc Care is smol tired child and I need a reason to show that both Freddy and Monty dream.

They can sleep, but don't need to. Are enabled bc Remnant. The soul sparks let them dream.
"Thank you for keeping her safe. I... I am sorry I assumed otherwise."
"Yeah. ... Thanks for the assist back there."

Monty gets memory replay. Emphasize the accurate memory of Bonnie's self-decapitation. Of all the things his memory banks could replay, the worst night of his life?

"I'm tagging out. You get some rest."
"I do not need-..."
"Stars and circuits, Fazbear, shut up and sit with your kid. I'll keep an eye out."

Freddy gets human-like dreams. They're flashes from the past games but he doesn't know that.

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