Chapter 2 Sleepover

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Crystals POV

That was a close one, he almost saw me scales and all. I have to be more careful around James's friends. Shoot the charm! Nvm I'll do it when I get there. "So Miss Evans, where exactly is Lily?" I ask as she drives away from my house. "Oh she said she didn't want to run in with your brother, and she had a little homework to finish up." She explained still driving. "Makes sense Lily doesn't exactly like my brother actually she thinks and I quote, 'hes an arrogant toe-rag' but my brother is relentless." I explain. Soon later we pull up to the house. Lily comes running through the door as I get out only to be tackled in a hug. "Lily!" I yell hugging back. "How did you manage to pull this off?" Lily asks as I grab my bag and we start walking to the house. "My dad talked to Dumbledor I am officially allowed to use the spell whenever I need. Then James got his way so Remus is at the house right now," I explain sighing. "You know I still don't get why Remus is your brothers friend, I mean hes nice and smart. Everything your brother is not." Lily says with distain, my brother is her least favorite topic. "Sometimes I wonder why too but Lily you have to remember he can be a mastermind when it comes to pranks, and someone has to make sure they don't take it to far. And James can be really sweet, he makes sure I'm not apart of any water pranks. And he has never told anyone about what I am." I say coming to his defence. "But you are right he can be a real jerk for no reason." I tell her-What? Its not my job to lie to her, and he can be. We go to her room and I quickly cast my spell. "So part of the reason I wanted you to come is so I won't have to suffer alone. My sister is bringing her boyfriend, Vernon, he's just awful! Tunny wants to tell him but mum and dad says shes not allowed, and she has to listen cause shes only 17 and it's not her secret." Lily rants upset. We both have a bit of a completed relationship with our siblings. Her sister Petunia has hated her ever since she found out she was a witch, and my brother well he can be a real jerk and crazy about Lily I know its not the same thing but not even close but whatever. We hang out in her room til dinner. We go to the dinning room and see a guy I don't recognise sitting next to Petunia. "Hi Petunia," I greet we Lily and I sit down across from them. She ignores me, after we eat Lily and I go to her room again. We study finishing our essays and go to bed.

Next day. I wake up when Lily shakes me a little. "Wake up your brother is downstairs." She says shaking me. "What? Why?!" I yell quietly sitting up. "The only thing I know is I have to move now because he knows were I live!" She tells me freaked out. "Calm down Lily I'll go see what he wants." I tell her calmly. I cast my spell and walk downstairs to see James excited looking around to see if he can spot Lily. "What do you want James?" I say catching his attention. "Mum let me come to pick you up little sis," he says happy. "But its 8 am and Mrs Evans was gonna drive me home." I say getting mad. "Well mums gonna take us to Diagon Ally today." He informs me. "Fine I'll go get ready." I tell him in defeat. I go grab my stuff, "Lily wanna come out of hiding I have to go," I ask her closet. The door slams open and her head comes out. "Leaving, but we were supposed to take u to Diagon Ally and they pick you up there. Why do you have to go?!" She wines coming out. "My mum doesn't trust me! THATS WHY! I don't want to go, I want to stay and hang out with you," I complain putting my backpack on. I hug her as we both go downstairs, I see James staring at Lily as we walk down the stairs. "I'm ready," I tell James still upset. He just nods still looking at my bestie. Lily and I embrace in a hug before I drag James out. James gets in the front seat and I see Remus in the back. I groan before getting in behind James, "hello Remus what are you doing here?" Then I see Siruis is driving. "Hi Crystal--" Remus says before I cut him off, "No no no no no no n o means NO!" I say looking at Sirius as I try to escape the car, but he had already locked it. I pound on the window trying to get out but the child locks were on. "Please tell me this is a prank, he can't drive!" I say scared for my life. "Actually he's pretty good at driving," Remus replys calmly. "I'm going to die," I whisper terrified. "Relax sis, Pa-Sirus is Sirusly a great driver." James tells me which only makes my nerves skyrocket. As he starts driving I close my eyes praying I will make it out of this car alive. He drives like a crazy person, I might just have to go call 5150 on this guy. Hes insain! I swear! We get home I jump out of the car and hurl my dinner. I walk inside glare at my mother before storming into my room.

How was that I hope its ok. I know it was kinda sped through but I wrote the 2nd part of it on an airplane. So pretty please comment and vote, I love feedback and will take your comments into consideration. Bye for now. -Crystal

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