Chapter 5 First Day

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Crystals POV

The next morning I get dressed and head to breakfast. Almost no one else is there. I get some toast and sit down. I grab a book from my bag and start to read. I feel someone sit next to me I ingore it thinking its just Lily or one of the girls. I give a slight wave. "Morning Crys what are you reading?" A husky voice says and I realize that its not one of the girls but instead its Remus whos next to me. I tense up closing the book, "O-oh hey Remus. Oh this umm it's just a book I found nothing interesting. Just a book about magical c-creatures." I inform him nervously. I see him tense a little. "What type of creatures?" He asks with a sprinkle of fear mixed with curiosity is chocolate brown eyes. "Umm, thestrals, werewolves, mermaids, stuff like that." I say mermaids rather quick. I avoid his eyes scared that my eyes might give something away. "Sounds- interesting what do you think about it so far?" He asks me. "I think that halfbreeds are judged to harshly. Why do you ask?" I tell him looking back into his chocolaty eyes. His eyes soften as I tell him this almost looking like he understands what its like. "Just wondering thats all I agree 100%. I also agree that halfbreeds are treaded to harsh, its not like it was their fault." He says pasion in his eyes, he's definitely hiding something he knows a halfbreed. There may be someone in this very school that is like me, a halfbreed, I gotta find out who it is. We talk about it for a bit longer and soon the Great Hall is quickly filling. We only stopped talking when my brother, Peter and Black came down. My brother sat next to me Black and Peter across from us. "Hey sis you know that kid your talking to is my friend right?" My brother tells me like I'm an idiot. "I'm aware brother we were just talking a bit. I'll talk to you later Remus." I say standing up. I walk over and get my schedule from Professor McGonagall and look over it.

(Its not good I know I made it myself tho. So the color of the class is what she has it with the house. Care for Magical Creatures is Care. If you have any other questions just ask)

I groan when I see I've got double DADA first thing with Slytherins. I look for Lily and once I find her I plop myself down next to her. "What do you have lils?" I ask hoping we have similar schedules.

We have Defence Potions Charms and Transfiguration together but nothing over than that. This is gonna suck. "Lils this is so unfair!" I tell her showing her my schedule. "I can't belive we barely have any classes together." She says examining the schedules. Then of course my idiot brother walks up to us with his friends in tow. "Hey Lily-pad," he says grabbing her schedule. "Looks like you've got most your classes with me and the boys." He says making my frown go even father I grab Remus's schedule looking it over. "I see that I have all the classes I have with Lily plus Care with the boys so I groan. We have to head off to class so Lily and I head off to DADA with Professor Astreae Stein. She was a Hufflepuff apparently, and a prankster. I can't wait to meet her. We walk into class quickly followed by the boys Lily and I sit in the front row while Sirius and James sits behind us and Peter and Remus behind them.

(Same for all duh boys)
Time skip brought to you by Sirus taking Muggle Studies to piss off his mother.

After 2 class periods of the boys being annoying gits, James asking Lily out and notes being thrown at my head, Lily and the boys get to go to Muggle Studies while I have to go to History of Magic with the most exciting teacher! Not I mean Idk how a ghost can be boring but Proffessor Binns made it possible. They say one day he fell asleep in the teachers lounge and when he woke up he was a ghost but he didnt even know! He just went to class not even noticing his body didn't go with him. I don't have friends in this clsss that I'm aware of yet. Maybe Pandora will be in it. But eith my luck Gilderoy will probably be in it too. Hes the one boy who has ever actuallyk
asked me out on a date. Well I went out with him and he spilled water all over me I ran into the bathroom locked the door and turned into a mermaid. Luckie that no one was in the bathroom but he still wants to go on another date with me. It gets annoying I know I shouldn't be picky but he really likes to talk about himself, and only himself. He should go on a date with a mirror thats probably the only thing that will love him like he loves himself. I think about this the whole way to class. Then I remembered who Lily has class with now and I become greatful. She has to deal with my brother and his friends. I head into class and sit in the very front. No one sits up here because they like goofing off so its quieter in the front. I get out my new muggle book its called the Beauty and the Beast and start reading. I read until its time for lunch completely ignoring Professor Binns, this book is just so good. I don't put it down til someone is standing in front of the desk, I look up to see Gilderoy I quickly put my book away making sure its safe as he has a water bottle in his hand. "Hello Chrissy, I was wondering if you want to have lunch with me?" He asks hopeful. I hate crushing his hope but this boy is always so water prone I hate risking it. He always has a water on him and its like he knows, whenever hes around his drink 50% of the time I turn into a mermaid. Its annoying. I try to let him down gentle, "Oh sorry I promised Lily we could eat lunch together since its our day back." I say standing up. "Maybe some other time then?" He asks with hope in his voice. "Maybe," I tell him before leaving the class and heading to lunch. "Hey lils how was Muggle Studies?" I ask looking at her I feel really bad for her she has 2 diffrent class with the boys by herself she only has one class without them and thats Ancient Ruins When I have history of magic and Herbology without them. "They are all so infuriating especially your brother he asked me out twice!" She complains I have to listen to it until we get to charms luckily she stopped complaining about them I know they are idiots but talking about them isn't my favorite subject. I only hope James will leave Snape alone this year. I know it's like asking a monkey not to eat bannans for a year but I still have hope. Its like 1,000,000th of a percent of hope but its still hope. Anyways at dinner I was terrified because my brother and his friends always pull a huge start of school prank. All of a sudden I hear James and get pulled under his invisibly cloak. "Ok you have to get out now it's a water prank," he whispers worried. I suddenly get even more terrified, "Why didn't you stop them from doing this?!" I whisper harshly. "I tried but they were all set on it we have to hurry it will be going off soon." He whispers back. We race out with the cloak covering us and then he gives me the cloak and I run to the common room hearing a loud crash, water, and screaming behind me. I go up to my brothers dorm to put the cloak back, I open the door only to get a bucket of water dropped on my head and Remus sitting on his bed.

Cliffhanger. Idk but I think I'll time skip to like just before Christmas after the next chapter what do y'all think. Anyone have ideas I'm running out. Bye for now hope you like this chapter

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