Chapter 2: Fine really means horrible here

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Clarke's POV

They were being swarmed, with the grounder injuries and everything else, Clarke was being swarmed. With Bellamy on her back wasn't any better.

"Heal him!"

"Can you be anymore slow, princess?"

"It. Is. Hurting. Him. Stop."

"We need her! Now!" All of them were something a daily occurrence, Clarke had learned to ignore them. Too much effort put in ignoring him.

"Clarke!" Bellamy scram from outside the tent.

"What?!" Clarke scram back as she started walking outside. "What can you possible need now?" She stopped dead on her tracks when she saw the blood, and it was totally from Bellamy.

"He... I don't know what he even did." Octavia cleaned his face from sweat now and then, whispering sweet words into his ear.

"We found him... screaming your name." Jasper was holding him.

"My name...?" Clarke looked horrified.

"Oh no, my name is Clarke now, I'm his sister and I've changed my name." Octavia rolled her eyes.

"But then he wouldn't be able to fuck Clarke." Jasper added quickly.

"That was unnecessary, and out of this." Clarke kenneled down towards Bellamy and started working on his wound. Cleaning it and tried to address the bleeding. The paleness in his skin, the blueness in his lips were scaring her. It scared her and she need help from somebody and since her mother was currently unavailable for the moment, she need Lydia. 

"Octavia!" Clarke called towards her, Jasper's and Monty's tent.   

"What?" Octavia walked out, looking rather messy around the hair. "Oh god, please don't tell me he's dead."      

"No! I just need you to... uh look for Lydia... I need her hands." Octavia quickly rolled her eyes. "I know we don't like her but I need her...."                                           

"I have a right to hate her. She was a second child and wasn't even imprisoned for being a second child. I thought that all the people that was going to be in this with me was going to be you. I mean she stole from Wells and then totally ignored him. That's pretty fucked up,come on. She stole from Wells, he was the best person around here and she stole from him." Octavia cleaned the sweat once again, off her brother's forehead as he was talking nonsense that neither of them wanted to understand.  

"Lydia! Clarke needs you!" And then her voice dropped into a whispered. "Bellamy needs you, like now."  

"Oh god what now?" Lydia came out running with a bandage in her hand, clear signs that she was working with someone else inside the drop ship, but her attitude dropped when she saw Bellamy and Clarke working on him. "What... what happened? Did... the grounders? No, we set peace?" Pause. "I think we did."

"No, we just found him and he was whispering and saying things that did not make sense at all." Clarke could touch the tension in between the two girl.

"Well, sorry for asking." Lydia rolled her eyes, while she kenneled on Bellamy's side so she could examine the wound. "I don't do adventures, maybe it's because someone won't let me do it." Octavia scoffed towards her.

"Why don't you let my brother and we'll see about that thing that you want to do." 

"Fine, deal."

Lydia put her hands to use, with Clarke helping her and Octavia getting everything that they needed from the drop ship, as they had decided that it could be almost fatal to move him to another place. Jasper and Raven stopped by, to given them water and rations, they had made everyone who was around them working, run to another side, screaming: "There's nothing to see here! Go. Away!" 

After a couple of hours of working, trying to clean the wound and making Octavia cry (Lydia's fault), Bellamy was looking better, the paleness in his skin and the blueness in his lips was long gone and a distant memory in Clake's mind and worries. 

"I think... I'm done." Lydia glanced at Jasper who was holding Octavia, welcoming the glances that came from him.

"Wha..." Bellamy started to speak before getting interrupted by Clarke.

"No talking for now, mister." Clarke looked at Bellamy with adoration. One that she didn't understand yet, but she was coming around the answer. Dangerously close to be honest.

Bellamy nodded and she gave him a quick hug, with almost no pressure in it but the feeling was still the same for the both of them. Octavia came running towards him, giving him a quick peck on his cheek before giving a hug to him, familiar to Clarke's but far more brotherly than between the two leaders.

"Who...?" Bellamy broke the silence once again, just to be scolded by Clarke.

Clarke could see the annoyance in Octavia's eyes and tried everything to ignore it and she was going to speak up but Octavia did first. "Lydia..." Pause. "Sadly." She whispered.

"Sadly?! I saved your brother!" Lydia threw her head back in annoyance.

"Yes! What do you care--"

"Shhhh!" Lydia silenced Octavia and Clarke could almost sense the want of punch Lydia that Octavia was generating.

"Did yo--"

"Shh! Look!" Lydia looked at them for a second before pointing to the sky. And Clarke felt like everything had suddenly stopped, a bigger drop ship was coming down and it wasn't like before that it didn't stop because of no parachute, it stopped and landed somewhere near them. And for a second everything went black.

Octavia's POV

Nothing could be seen that much, help was here. Help was finally here. Some broke in cheers, others locked at the ground kicking some stones. Most have lost their family, one way or the other. Not Octavia, she still had Bellamy and he was still calling the shots around here. Nobody knew what to do, even if they hated to admit it her brother leaded them and if it wasn't for him, they wouldn't have survived. Sure, him and Clarke leading was a pain in the ass but again who leader wasn't? Better him than Chancellor Jaha.

"Everyone calm down!" Lydia screamed towards the teens. Octavia had a sudden urge to go on and finally punch her. "We need to go in groups." Everyone started to complain. "I know that your family might be in there but we need to think about what would Bellamy make us do?"  Some nodded, other disagreed almost immediately, fighting with her. Some hated Bellamy but they were still loyal to him. No one dared to say a word against her or Clarke with the affection he had showed in the last couple of months. They need them, Bellamy, Clarke and Lydia, they worked as a team and as any good team, they weren't good apart, they need to be together to lead and Octavia never got that.

The Other Second ChildOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora