Chapter 10: It's done

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Lydia's POV

He was there. Mark. Right in front of her. And she had to restrain herself from killing him. Everything they had done, what he had done. She heard from Bellamy that he was engaged to her sister. Liza. She had made peace with it. It wasn't that she didn't care anymore. No, it was that she had gotten tired of the hate and love she ever felt for him. She got tired of waiting for him to come home and hug her, caress her. It was far too late for the both of them. Mark's eyes roamed her body and Hudson had to restrain from hitting him in the face. Had he done the same when she arrived.

"Well... it seems as if what they told me is true. You running to a grounder," Mark's voice was reagal, much different than she remembered it.

"Me running to a grounder?" Lisa's voice was filled with rage and unresolved feelings. "says that guy who's engaged to my sister."

"I thought it was her better than you. You know, I like the older models, the new ones are too adventurous for me."

"Calling yourself old? Because you should."

"Lydia... haven't you learned? You can't trust anyone. Especially not a grounder."

"The grounder has a name," this time it was Hudson who spoke. His voice different from Lydia's and Mark's.

"Which would be?" Lydia's face fell. This was how he got revenge.

"Hudson, why is it that the sky person asks?" before any of the couple could react, Lydia was grabbed by Mark, putting the small knife which once had been hers to her neck.

"So, I can know which name she's going to scream when I kill her."

sorry I disappeared so suddenly and stopped updating. my life got very hectic and I couldn't update. sorry again this is so short but ill update tomorrow, I hope tho.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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