Chapter 4: Wanker

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Announcement coming your way: I made a change to the last chapter, so uh go read before you read this because there is something coming, something Bellarke and something else. So yeah.


Mark's POV
To say that Mark was ecstatic when he hear I loved you is an understatement. He yanked Liza's hand far away from him and tried to make his way towards Lydia but was quickly stopped by Bellamy. Mark only saw pure hatred in Bellamy's face and in Lydia's blankness. Liza was long gone by now. She felt fuming and Mark's only concern right now was the girl who was about two feet away from him. But Bellamy was in his. Oh, the boy knew who Bellamy Blake was, Lydia used to fawn over him when she first arrived, since he was training to be a guard and Mark absolutely hated his guts.
"Who the hell do you think you are?" Mark growled in annoyance.
"I think I'm protecting my frien-" Bellamy was interrupted by Lydia.
"Best friend and old shag." Lydia's voice was detached and Mark feared that voice, he hated it.
"Old shag? Old shag?" Mark's face crumbled.
"Oh that's right, we fucked the first day on earth. Feisty this one." Bellamy laughed as he talked, pointing directly at Mark.
"I left marks on your back if I'm not mistaken." Lydia's laugh broke the tension and Mark wished to the reason she was laughing.
"And I left them on your neck. Loved O's response." Bellamy still stod in front of Mark.
"And Clarke's. 'You just should be doing something more useful than that.' Little did she know, she was going to be shagging you." Lydia's face was still contorted into a smile.
"Now you both can talk about how good of a shag I was and still am." Mark took the oppurtunity to punch Bellarmy since he was too caugh up laughing with Lydia.
Lydia watched Bellamy crumble and didn't lose any time to break his fall, putting his head on her lap before looking up to Mark with a horrified look in her face. "What the hell is your problem, wanker?"
"My problem is him." He pointed directly at Bellamy, he now hated him even more, Not only had Lydia fawned over him but she had fucked him or rather he had fucked her.
Now it was time for the sister to come in. Octavia. He had fawned over him when they were younger but it was different. The fawning only lasted a week before he went back to Lydia. And the horrified face once again faced Mark. "Who did this?"
"Son..." Octavia almost stod up before getting holded down by Lydia shaking her head.
"Just go, O, I'll take care of him. Take Mark out too." Octavia didn't waste anytime when Lydia said that and took her gun out in record time.
She pointed to the outside of the tent. "You heard her, out."
As Mark walked out he swore he heard, "I hate him."

Lydia's POV
The word anger didn't even describe how she was feeling about this. She was angry at Mark for being suck a dick head and was glad that Bellamy was so chill about them sleeping together that he didn't hesitate to back her up with it. If that wasn't friendship, then Lydia did not what friendship. She laughed at the thought of them being together again, that wasn't going to happen again. Not in this life time anyways. Bellamy loved Clarke and Clarke loved Bellamy, they were just fooling themselves to think otherwise. The red head just thought of setting them up, getting all of the 100 to help her, if anyone could pull it off, it was her. She smiled fondly at the thought of Bellamy and Clarke setelling somewhere close to camp with a few kids of their own, Octavia and Lincoln got in the way, Monty and some girl, Jasper and that girl that he liked, then all of the sudden she saw her and Mark with 2 kids at their feet. Lydia could see all of the couples, the Ark, Camp Jaha, everything. And the smile on her friend's lips. For a minute, the girl could finally see the light at the end of the tunel, well that was until Bellamy woke up with a sarcastic remark.
"Helped twice by the same girl, what are the chances?"
"The chances are, Bell, that their is only three doctors around here. One that is not informed about this.... make that two."
"I'm going kick his punk ass to tomorrow."
"Oh come on, Lyds, I wanna kick somebody ass, this is the best chance."
"How about you ask Clarke with that black eye?"
"Bl- that's it. I'm going to murder him."
"Bellamy Blake you touch one hair on his body and I'll make sure, you never see Clarke ever again."
"Using the sex we had yesterday. huh? Well, Miss Lydia 'I'm so perfect" Evans, it takes two to tango so if I'm going down I'll bring you down with me."
"Fine... but please don't say anything? About Mark and the sex?"

Bellamy didn't ask anymore questions, which I was more than grateful, but it stung. The fact that I had sex, not two days ago, with Bellamy while he was talking to Clarke. Not that she liked the rebel leader. No, no, she just thought lowly of her morals. How could she sleep with her friend's almost boyfriend? The boy who laughed with her when he came to visit Octavia? The man who made her feel like the mattered. The man who made her feel loved in a way that Lydia had never felt loved, not by her sister, not by her mother but by a stranger who held a similar secret to hers. It was almost ironic to why she didn't love him, like a boyfriend, it was because of the way he treated her the first time they talked, the way that he steped away from her, the way he didn't turn his head like Mark, the way he only cared about O. She loved him, in a brotherly way and she was more than sure that he loved her too.

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