Chapter 9: Ladies and Gentleman

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Octavia's POV

To think that she was going to be with her brother, Lydia, Clarke and Lincoln in the same room was wishful thinking. Octavia arrived first since Lydia wanted Lincoln in their side and the way was to have Octavia with them. She was more than glad to have Lincoln on her side while Lydia leaded the first people that arrived. She looked in charge, and confident about herself. She inspired them, and Octavia hated that the red head had taken over Bellamy's status, of course she saw the way she held the hand of the grounder. The way he put his arm around her, like he was afraid that she was going to break at any given moment if he wasn't careful. The simple kisses that he gave her after she talked, then she thought about Mark. Octavia hated the guy, she hated the way that he had treated Lydia after he got throw out of the camp, the way he looked at her and Octavia was more than glad to see that Lydia was moving on with a guy that wasn't going to leave her.

Something came from the entrance of the cave and everyone came to their feet, guns and knifes in hand. Both Lincoln and Hudson made Octavia and Lydia take a step behind them even though both girls could protect themselves better than anyone else. "Ladies and Gentleman, the rebel leader had arrived," it was Bellamy and everyone rolled their eyes.

"And the rest of us," a very annoyed Clarke said from behind him.

"You just had to ruin the entrance, look at them, it's priceless," everyone was up, with something pointed towards them.

"When you're done being an asshole, we need to talk," Lydia's voice ran across the room, and Bellamy made a curious face, for some reason Octavia knew that teasing was coming.

"And since when the fiery red head has gotten pants?" Lydia's face fell down for a mini second but Octavia noticed it, Bellamy's words had gotten to her.

"Since you made her come to me," Hudson spoke, now that Octavia thought about it, their voices contrasted the other.

"I didn't make her actually, she wanted to come, she wanted a rebound," Bellamy spoke, a pin falling could be heard in the room, the tension swirling around.

"I swear to everything you love, Bellamy, if you don't shut up...," the words came from Lydia this time.

"What, Lydia, you'll kill me, send me to hell? If you haven't noticed, we are in hell," Octavia didn't know what had came inside of Bellamy, the way he spoke about Lydia made her cringe, not even when they first slept together, he talked to her like that. "Too scared to talk now?"

Lydia's body moved towards Bellamy but she was too fast to register, Hudson stayed in the same spot as if he was in shock, and Lydia's knife was pressed against his neck. "Scared to talk now, leader?" she was opening challenging him.

"Lydia, don't," Clarke's voice sounded across the room, but Lydia's hand didn't move away. Octavia decided not to step in, even though she hated Lydia with a burning passion, she had every right to put a knife in his neck.

"Lydia, he's not worth it," it was Hudson this time, walking closer to her. The 100 were quiet and keep out of the whole scenario that the three leaders were creating.

After agonizing minutes, Lydia decided to let go. To let the knife fall from her hand so that Hudson could take it, then turned on her heel and walked deeper into the cave.

Lincoln left Octavia with a quick kiss before he walked into were Lydia had walked. Then Hudson turned to Bellamy. "This is your fault," He put the knife inside his pocket before walking behind of Lincoln.

Lydia's POV

Her eyes were spelling tears and she tried to stop them. She tried hard, as soon as she walked deeper into the cave and in Hudson's room, she just started crying. Her mind kept telling it was wrong, that she shouldn't have done that, walk away in a time like that. But her heart told her, that it was alright, that she could cry, that she wasn't weak, only that she had been stronger for too long. She laid down in the make shift bed, one of which smelled so much of Hudson and to think that she hated the bed the first couple of days she came here, saying that it wasn't like the floor, keeping her alert, instead being the bed that calmed you down and made you sleep. She heard steps and obviously tried to cover her tear stained cheeks but as soon as she saw it was Hudson, she stopped trying and just let herself go.
"Lyds, you know he didn't meant it," his voice was calm and colected and Lydia absolutely loved it, well that was until she saw a figure at the entrance.
"No, he didn't. But I did."

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